| User Manual for Sweep Nets | Revision 4 | December 2020
3.1 Using a sweep net
Before the operation begins, applicable procedures must be reviewed. The operations
manager or personnel with the appropriate experience and competence must be
responsible for the operation, and the various tasks must be assigned. The correct
personal protective equipment must be worn, and the right type of lifting equipment
must be used when using a crane. Optional equipment, such as cleaner-fish shelters,
must be removed or moved. Make sure that the sweep net is intact and undamaged. If
the centre weight under the net is to be removed, this must be done before the
operation begins. If a bead line or ball line is to be used, this must be made ready in
see the Bead Line/Ball Line User Manual.
Wellboat placement depends on current
conditions in the sea. The boat always
lies between two moorings.
The sweep net can be run out into the net
through a block on the workboat.