GT-104 With Antek Transformer
Revision 1p1
Your GT-104 kit may have been supplied with one of three toroidal power transformers:
Avel Lindberg YS236653
Antek AS-2230 or Antek AS2232
These directions cover wiring and installation of the Antek transformers
Transformer Primary Side Preparation
The directions in this section cover 120 Volt wiring. For 240 Volt wiring, you’ll need the V240 kit.
This kit has the parts and directions to wire the transformer for 240-volt power. The kit builder
must supply a country-specific 240 Volt power cord.
Locate the 5” long black and white 18 AWG wires with FASTON connectors pre-installed on one end.
Also locate the 3/16” diameter (clear) heat-shrink tubing. For 120 Volt
wiring, the FASTON and toroidal
primary wires will be connected as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1-Wiring toroidal transformer for 120 Volt operation
Cut a 2.5” length of 3/16” diameter heat-shrink tubing. Slide it over the two black leads of the
power transformer. Slide it as far from the cut ends of the wire as possible.
Even up the ends of the two black wires and cut them so the overall length is about 8”.
Cut a second 2.5” length of 3/16” diameter heat-shrink tubing. Slide it over the two red leads of
the power transformer. Slide it as far from the cut ends of the wire as possible.
Even up the ends of the two red wires and cut them so the overall length is about 8”.
Remove 5/8” of insulation from the following 6 wires:
Black 5” FASTON wire
White 5” FASTON wire
2 red transformer wires
2 black transformer wires
Twist together the stripped ends of the red transformer wires
Twist together the stripped ends of the black transformer wires.
For 240 Volt wiring, see the directions that come with the V240 kit.