SP2+ Introduction Manual
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Virtual Sensors
On this page you can configure the Virtual Sensors. The first 5 sensors are free, if you need to use
more you can purchase additional licenses (see the Licensing section in this manual).
Virtual Sensors can be a very powerful tool in your monitoring system. On the SP2+ you can have up
to 50 of these virtual sensors and they allow for a multitude of applications.
SNMP Get, sensor logic evaluation and ping commands among others are all possible from the
virtual sensors. An example use of this could be to use the SP2+ as a probe manager. If you had a
SP2+ and multiple sensorProbe devices they could all be monitored, mapped and alerted via the
SP2+. You can perform SNMP Get commands on a server to monitor memory or CPU load, or you
can ping network enabled devices and be alerted if they go offline.
We’ll explain more about the Virtual Sensors and how to configure them in the Notifications manual.