Chapter 5 Connections to Others
When recording the settings and movement of keys and knobs on the MFC42 onto the sequencer, it is
recommended to record the settings data and operation of keys and knobs onto the separate tracks. Also,
record the settings data before the song begins as illustrated.
When the sequence is recorded as above, the settings of MFC42 will be recalled before the song begins
and the movement of keys and knobs will be reproduced from the start of the song.
Merit in recording on separate tracks
When you want to recall either the settings or the movement of keys and knobs separately, or change the
setting or re-record the knob movement, it is easier to make changes on the separate tracks.
Note on recalling the recorded data
The knobs and levers on the MFC42 do not move in sync to the external data. This means that the settings
recalled and their actual positions may differ.
In the following example,
CUTOFF knob position in recording = 12 O’clock
CUTOFF knob position when recalled = 9 O’clock
When the data is recalled, the internal data is at 12 O’clock position while its physical location stays at 9
O’clock. It functions as the knob is at 12 O’clock position.
Connecting MPC3000
For the connection with the MPC3000 and the procedure of recording the keys/knobs operation on the MFC42
and/or its setting data, refer to Connecting MPC2000/MPC2000XL section of this manual.
However, the certain MIDI related items on the MPC3000 have to be set as follows.
In the Sequencer Input Filter screen (press MIDI, then 3), select C16 to C26 at Event: field. Set their setting
at Pass event?: field to YES and the value at Min change: field to 1.
Also, in the MIDI Routing screen (press MIDI, then 2), select the number at Assign Note Var slider to controller:
field to the MIDI Control Change number that is not used for the MFC42, e.g. 27 to 31.
Top of Song
Bar 1
Bar 2
Play data
Play data
Setting data
(Send Scene)
Knob operation