Akai CFTD2083T Owner'S Instructions Manual Download Page 41

Summary of Contents for CFTD2083T

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ...that the able grom _d shall be ormected 1o t _e groundirtg system of the builc irtg as close to the point of cable e _try as practical Caotion FCC CSA _golations state that any unaothorized changes or...

Page 3: ...fall A falling TV carl ca_lse serio_ls i_ j_w to a child or achllt and serio_ls iamage to tile appliance Use only with a cart stand tlipod bracket or table recommended by tile mat l f actuler or sc l...

Page 4: ...nit connection to grollrlding electiodes and ceqlfiiements for the gRHlnding elec tK de EXAMPLE OF ANTENNA GROUNDING NEC SECTION 8 0 2O ELECTRODE SYSTEM NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE NEC ART 250 PART H...

Page 5: ...Jng the Video SJgna so uce 33 Storir g Channels ir Memo W Automatic Method 34 Adding and Erasing CJlannels Manual Method 35 Changing hanne s 36 Using the Channel Buttons 36 Directly Accessing Channels...

Page 6: ...enu Language 419 Setting up the Paiental Contlol 420 SetTing up the Audio Options 422 SetTing up the Display Optkn s 423 Chapter 5 VCR Operation 5 1 _nser tinp and Ejecting a Video assette Tape 51 Ph...

Page 7: ...ltei to rechlce oi eliminate _eception ploblems Fine t_ming contK_l fb_ the shatpest pict_He possible A built in rn ti channel so_lrid decoder for steieo arid bilingl_al listening Bulk in dual channel...

Page 8: ...gram times are stored REC indicator Lit when the VCRis recording Remote Control Sensor Aimthe remote control towards this spot on the TV REC VCR Pressto beginrecording STOP EJECT VCR Press to stop a v...

Page 9: ...o_lly occasiorlally such as a camcorder oi video game Por in om latiori on orlr ecti_ g equipmerit see pa_es 2 1 2 9 O O VIDEO IN jack AUDIO IBJjacks Used to connect a video signal from a camcorder Us...

Page 10: ...ing equipment see ages 2 1 2 9 O DIGITAL AUDIO OUTPUT Connectto a compatible dolbydigitalreceiver VIDEO AUDIO INPUTS Usedto connect video audio signals from VCRs laserdisc players and similar devices...

Page 11: ...selecting one of the preset hctory settings or select your personal cus tomized picture sd tings NIENU Displays the main omscreen menu _ Contro the cursor in the menu Allows moveto items TViVCR _ DVD...

Page 12: ...access various camera angles on a DVD PROGRAM For random and program play BOOKMARK Press to memorize scenes for replay P ayipause Pressto playorpausediscplay Skip Press to ski the title chapter or tr...

Page 13: ...tapetracking 0 OPEN CLOSE Press to eject a tape SPiSLP Press to select the tape recording speed O P PLUS Press to compensate for a poor rental tape SSTD PSTD 0 P ay pause Press to play or pause a tape...

Page 14: ...nnas with SOO ohm Fiat Twin Leads If oH are Hsing an ofl ah antenna s_lnh as aioof arlterlna oi rabbit eais that has 00 _ hm t_ _in flat leads f ollo _ the diientions below 1 Place the wires trom the...

Page 15: ...on the bottom of the Connecting Cable TV To connect to a cable TV system follow the instHlctions below Cabme without a Cab e Box Plug the incoming cane into the VHE UHF antenna terminal on back Becau...

Page 16: ...electionics stoies Find and discennectthe _1I This terminal might be labeled ANT IN VHF II or simply IN cable box Connect this cable to a Incoming Cable Splitter 3 Connect a Coaxialcable between an O...

Page 17: ...necting a Second VOR to ecord from the TV You TV carl send out signals of its pictme and sound to be eccHded by a secorld VCR To do this connect your seco_ld VCR as _ llows TV Rear Panel VCR Rear Pane...

Page 18: ...e carncorder They are usug y _ounaon t e s_aeor rear of me camcoraer 2 Connec_anwdeo aL Jio aote oe_weentheVIDEO AUD OUTPUT lcKonmecamcoraeraname VIDEO AUDIO ermmals on me _ron o me TV If you nave mon...

Page 19: ...AuDIo and the DIOF ALAUOl00U jack0ntbe Tv Setting the Optica jack On Off 1 Press _he MENU button Press the P DOWNAV ourrorls 1 select Sound men Dressthe LEFT RiGHT 4 _ ua_ ons So_xId Mode Custom Av M...

Page 20: ...s of die batteries with the diagram _nside the compartment Remove die batteries and stoTe them in a cool dry place if you wont be using the remote contl o fi_ ra long time Theremote c or D o a_ be use...

Page 21: ...R tO seJec one o1 me 5 items her press rne EFT RIGHT 41_ but Ot lS O _ ccess rile Kern S suo meHu P_ctu_e Mode Custorr AvMove o Sa Exil 3 Press the MENU button to eXK Viewing the Display The display i...

Page 22: ...ess the MENU button to disp aythe menu PEessthe UP DOWNAV buttons to select Function M C o_k D AvMove _ Sel ITR Exit buttons Pressibe UP DOWNA_ appropriate language EngJish Spanish or D I _ cho rm sor...

Page 23: ...evision an begin memoiizing the available channels yell mHst specif_y the type of signal som ce that is connected to the TV i e aH antenna oi a cable system 1 Press the MENU button to u _ayme menu Pre...

Page 24: ...TR Exit 3 Press the LEFT RIGHT _ OU 0 IS TVwill beg n memorizing all or me avaHa lechan nels Auto Prog_arn ANT11 Stoo The TV alnoma ical y cycles through aH of se available c sanne s and s ores them h...

Page 25: ...our on2 3 Press the LEN RIGHT _ DuKons Of the _ J lloer DuKons 0 select tH _ cna li el jou w3n_ to add or erase Channe ANT 3 You can view any chanrie hkcbJding an erased chal me y using the munbel bu...

Page 26: ...example to select channel 27 p ess7 2 i theniT TheTV When you use the number buttons you can directly select channels dmt weJe either erased or not memolfized _ select a c mm_el over 10 press the 100...

Page 27: ...ily ut off the sound using tile Mute button 1 Press LheMUTE bu mn and the sound cuts oft The worn Mute will aDDea m me towerqeft corner of the screen 2 TO turn TFIu e Ori Dress I e MUT but on again or...

Page 28: ...atic settings_ See next page Press the MENU button to disp aythe menu buttons to disp ay the _ vMove 4_ Sel ITR Exff Press the UP DOWNAT buttons tQse ect part cu lar item Press the LE Fr R GHT buttons...

Page 29: ...ay me Picturemenu Mode Custom av Move _ Se Ex 2 Press the _EFT RIGHT 4_ OU_tOrlS _0 select he Star aard Natural boorts Mild or Custom oJcmre setMng Pk_D_ Mode Standard Press the MENU button to exit fM...

Page 30: ...TV OPERAT ON 1 Changing the Co or Tone _vM0ve o Sel FFRE il exit _ _ 1 0 HZ TI I_ I R I l C 1R TI N...

Page 31: ...o display the AvMove _ Sel FmExi_ Press the UP DOWN Y 3 Pressthe mENU button to _ e it t Normal Sets the picture o 4 3 normal mode This is a start lard TV screen size Zoom Se s he pkture o Zoom n ode...

Page 32: ...ct i fine tund Press the LEET RIGHT _ buttons to adjust the fine tuning i F_ V g FineTune 3 Av Add Erse _ Adj ITNExit 3 To s ore tie fire tuning set ung the TV s memory press the UP A button _n asteri...

Page 33: ...and _hostirlg that mav appeal orl tile s iee l Press _heM NU button t0 disp ay the menu Press the LEFT RIGHT _ buttons to display the Z Press the UP DOWNAT buttons _oselect Digital NW Press the LEFT R...

Page 34: ...und then Dressthe LFFT RIGH _ buuons Mode S_nc Cus_of _ vMove _ Se ITR Exit 2 Press the UP DOWN_ V ourrells re select Adjust me Dress me EFTIRIGHI _ buuons Bo_d Adjust Bass 15 AVMow _Se ITREx_ Press t...

Page 35: ...carl select Adj_lst which automatically recalls your personalized sound settings _v Move _ Sel FrR E il Press the MENU button to AvMove _ Sel FmExit exit Alternate method Choose Jtm_da_tfk_ the stal d...

Page 36: ...Press the LEFT RIGHT4_ buttons Av Move _ Sel rm Exit Press the LEFTIRIGHT _ buttons repeatedly to select Mono _ Ste_ eo 1 or SAD ATMove _ Sel rm Exit Press the MENU button to Choose Mono fl r _ hanne...

Page 37: ...he T _ Press the MENU button to disp ay ff_e menu Press the UP DOWNA_ buttons to select Channel then Dress the LEFI RIGHT _ buttons TV v iJ_f f e t i _ vMove 4_Sel ITIq Exit Press the MENU button to e...

Page 38: ...the UP DOWNA_ buttons to se ect t Clock tben press the RIGHt _ button PressibeUP DOWNAT buttons repeatedly until _ When selectiHg he hours be sure to select the I rope_ tinJe of day an l or pro _ 10ck...

Page 39: ...ent month iii Av Adj _Move Fm E t Press the RIGHT_ button then press the UP DOWNA_ buttons to to _et the cut rent year U Dot_ 5 o_ 2oo_w_d D A Adj _ Move Fm Exit If yo l make a i qistake press LEFT 41...

Page 40: ...e LEFT RIGH F41_ buttons v _Iove _ Sel ITRExit Press the LEFT RIGHT _ _f _ 1 i _fl buttons to select Auto B_g Cbck Clockset Auto Av Move 4_ Sel ITR Exit Press the UP DOWNAV buttons to select PBS Chann...

Page 41: ...me zQne Sequence ATL EAST CEN MIN PAC ALAS Av Move _Sel Fm Exit HAW 5 Press tl e UP DOWNAV DU ons _O select DS IDayHgn_saving time men press _ne EEl RIGHT t1_ buttons ro indicate Yes or No The clock I...

Page 42: ...lect OI Time Press the RIGHT_ butto_ to mgnughtthe On time t IOU _ Press the UP DOWNAY ourrons reeeamaly to se_ec He aDDrODH_irE hours the hour wnen the TV will turn on FanctJ_ Timer On time 7 O0am Of...

Page 43: ...Off tulfing this step To set the Offtime press the UP DOWN V buttons to select _Off Time P ess the RIGHT_ button and set the hours and rnim utes Follow the same pro AvMove oSel Fm Exit cedure as in st...

Page 44: ...the n Fess the _ss _ LEFT RBHT_ buttons Av Move _ SeE Fm Exit v Move _Sel Fm Exit Press the UP DOWNAT buttons io SeJect Sleep Timer Press the RIGHT_ button repeatedJy unti the appro prJatetime interv...

Page 45: ...unusua Chalacterssolr e il es o c a7 dill iflg c osed caption transmissions espeeia y d ose of ire events There may be a small delay before captions appear when you change channels These are no malfl...

Page 46: ...number the V chip mode screen will appear Press the UP DOWNA P buttons to select Change Av Move o Sel Fm Exit ZZZZZZZ Willappea r cho seany4_4 I I While the Cbange Din field is selected press the LEF...

Page 47: ...ring a vaumPIN numoe_ Fie V CIIip screen Will _ ooea_ Toenable the V C p ea rur_ nress me FTIRIGHT _ out DOS so m__me v IIIp lOCK neId IS Yes i_vM0ve I_Sel FmExit Pressing rne LEFt RIGHT 41_ buttons w...

Page 48: ...lts c le TV _eidelbles llltlS De see till separ arety fTJr eac _t a_e t ou See nex srep 5 At this romE me of the TV Rat rig _is selectee Press erie LFFT RIGHT _ buttons Depending on your exl_ rag seep...

Page 49: ...g in TV PC men he L suo ra rngs in TV 14 and TV MA will auroman Callj De OIocKec 7 Press the MENU button o clear aHLnescreens Or oroceed to the next sect_or anmset uo acJaJ_onal res Hc tions based on...

Page 50: ...he LEFT RIGHT4_ butzcms o save l_e settings am_ Press tie MENU button o exit Note The VChip will automadcally bbck any categol7 that is more resFJctiye For example if you block the PG 13 category then...

Page 51: ...where you stopped so when you press he PLAY again it will pick up where you left off unless he disc is removed he STOP m but ton is pressed twice or the set is mlplugged If he player is left r 5 minu...

Page 52: ...orm step F_otJoFt p aybaek h_ the _aFwaFd dheeticm Slow JVJotion Playback Except OD By pressiI _gthe FWD SEARCH u toJ _ you ca _ select stow motion playback fbl71 8 1 4 o171 2 of _olTmal speed No soun...

Page 53: ...H_ I buttor_ it moves to next chapter If you press _e BACK SKIP 1_ button it moves _o the beginning of the chapter One mole press makes it move to the beginning of the pre_ious chapter When pla ing a...

Page 54: ...tm e rom wn cr you wan o s a I tess me UP DOWNAV oul oes o selec me press the Number outfoes o e er me time Then press the ENTERou_ r Press me JP DOWNA _ oun OS tO cnan_e he vav ues of the current aum...

Page 55: ...track Press the LEFT RIGHT _ _ buttons or Number buttons 84 to enter a different track iii_ii_ii iiii_ii_i_i _i_iii_i ii_i_ _iiii_ _i_ iii _ i _iii_i k I_ i_iiiiiii _ i_D c l ii_ i 64 CD VCD Press the...

Page 56: ...d O Press the ENTER button at he point where you want the repeat play to stop B The A B Repeat that you set plays until you turn Repeat off Chapter Title AB _ lb return to normal play back press the R...

Page 57: ...NDOM PROGRAM 01 Chad _T01 Ptot_ram Orde P 33 AV m RE_URN I_ CLEAM ENTER OPLA DVD _ _ Depending on the disc tbe Program and Random Playback fllI kctioI may l ot work Wben in VCD 2 0 mode Menu On mode t...

Page 58: ...or maex vle Press the ENTERburton 1 Tra_ v4e_ 2 Index V ew 3 Select the mes_reu wew D _esstng the UP DOWNA_ or LEFTIRIGHT _ but t_OnS Press the ENTERbutton Track View When pressing the TOP MENU butto...

Page 59: ...guages are reoresen em uy aDDrevla _OnS 3 Press the UP DOWNAV DUKORS tO select Stereo Right or eft On VCD CDI FN D_ BYDIGFA 5 ICH T This function depends on what languages are erlcoded on the disc and...

Page 60: ...Options _RETURN _ENTER buttons to se ect app opri ate language then PEeSS the ENTERbutton Select Origh at if you want the efim t soundtrack language to be Press the JP DOWNA_ the original language the...

Page 61: ...LEFT RIGHT_ outruns to lerermJne wneme r n0_lle stJou te wfl_ De alspla_ea mT_ y the subtJNJng wil not appear on screen The subtitle languages are rep _ i ENG _V On _ This Rmction depends on what lang...

Page 62: ...s 8 Others _RETUR_ _ ENTER Select Automatic if you warn the subtitle lar_gt_age _o be the same as the b_guage selected as the a_dio lti eteJ e ce fthe selected b guage is 1mr re onde on the is the ori...

Page 63: ...un _n hen an ANGLE select icon will appear at rne upper e_ _and corner O1 he scree_ 2 Press the UP DOWN_ T Dur 0RS t0 seleet the des rea screen angle men oress he ENTER Juor Toturn o r me display nres...

Page 64: ...OVD VCO 1 Durir _p_ayoacK press me BOOKMARKDuuon A ma Ker Will we alsp ayed 2 Press the LEFT RIGHT _ OUrfOnS O move o li le _eslred DOOKF Ia K ICOf 3 When you reacn me scene you wan__o mar_ Dressme EN...

Page 65: ...rlumoe _ you wan_ _o oele _ _ i _ _ _ _ mAY x CLEAR 3 Press the CLEARbutton to ae_e e a oooKmarK rluFrloer Press the BOOKMARKbut ton owrn ou ompJay Up to three scenes may be malked at the same time Wh...

Page 66: ...reen z Press the UP DOWNAT buttons to seJectthe des ed music fo der then press ENTER Press the UP DOWNA_ buttons again to seJect a song fi e Press ENT R to begin _ii _ 2 song 1 _ 3 song 1 _ _ song1 4...

Page 67: ...that is conversion _o MP3 fb_rnat of at least 128 kb sec and _p to 160 kb see However_ choosing higher rates like i92 kb sec o mole only la el give bettei sound qua ty Conversei_ fifes CeFr_lin isecui...

Page 68: ...displays The SETUPMENU s dis i iy_ _ m_ played 2 Disc Menu Er_glish 3 Audio English Press the UP DOWNAT 4 Subttle Automatc buttons _oselect i Player 65 AudioPa el taloptions Unlocked I_ Menu Press th...

Page 69: ...E On SETUP MEN 3 Audio Enf s S ubllt e Au omallc b Pafenta un oc_ea Dr 6 A_dlo Ootlons D sp ay Opl_ons RETURI _ ENTER S P ess ErieUP DOWNAY ourior_5 Lo semec the ap fo nria e ianguage hen pres_ the EN...

Page 70: ...levels on a disc _ i i_ i _ _ he SETJPMENU is dis _ P_y_M_ _ 2 DiSc Menu p aye 3 A d_o Press _be UP DOWN_ buttons to select 6Audio Options Parenta Press the 7 Dis lay Options ENTERbut_0n RETURN Engli...

Page 71: ...button Press the UP DOWN AV buttons to select the L ve e g Level 8 then press the ENTER button Disc tbat contain RETURN _ ENTER Level 7 will now not To cancel the rating level press the LEET R GHT _ b...

Page 72: ...or Or _RETUR_ 4 Press he RETURNbutton 0 eXIL PCM ConveJts to PCM 2CH 48kHz 16Bit audio Select PCM when using the Anak g Atldio Outputs Bi_cstream Conven s o Dolby Digital B iTSTREAM 5 1CH 0fMPEG 2 7 1...

Page 73: ...see lie total 16 9 rado screen DVD supplies even thot_gh you i mve a TV with a 4 3 ratk screen Black bars will appea_ a_ die top and bottom of the screen 4 3 Par Scan Select this lbr conventk nal size...

Page 74: ...es labeled VHS European PAL VHS video tapes and S VHS pre leeolded tapes alen t compatJb e with this tmi noose brand name high qua it_ tapes fbr best i esu ts If he power is off when you insert a tape...

Page 75: ...TION Playing a Pre Recorded Video Cassette Tape Pmaying the Tape Insert the video cassette tape _1 For h t_rmadon on insertirlg a video tape see page 5 1 _ Play iiil Pausing CItA I IT R Fl f VCR C R _...

Page 76: ...ape before pressing FF or REV_ Using Automatic Tracking A_ltomatic tracking adjusts a video tape_ tracking automatically in j_lst a few seconds 1 _Jsenaria play a v ec cassette tape Assoou asthe1_ De...

Page 77: ...ess the DmSPUW button FcII inf__ lpmatJon on inserting arid pla ing tapes see pages 5 and 5 2 The time counter appears in the upper ef_comer of the screen The counter displays ime only f_m recorded se...

Page 78: ...ape 4 For inf_ rmation on inserting and playing a tape see ages 5 1 and While playing a tape_ 5 2 when you reach the scene you want press the D S The time counte appears inthe uppe left comer of the s...

Page 79: ...ar ted The VCRstops me TaPe when the counter reaches O0 O0 OOM 3 Press the PLAY PAUSE I_ 11 Button o wew me scene again Using P PLUS PressEPLUSto compensate for a poor rental tape 1 I O o O OJ _nsert...

Page 80: ...Press _he REC butter The record mmcaror on ne conff ane ruminates and the VCR DegJ s recomm_ Notes The VCR automatically stops lecolcling and revHl lds when it reaches d_e encl of die ape o Press the...

Page 81: ...retold a ro_am without the coinmeicials 1 see paf4e 5 G me Iron pal e is Ilumlnatea 2 After en minutes in he pause mode lie VCR au omatical y stops the tape and switches _o TV mode to p_ otect the vi...

Page 82: ...a_eaLvunto me rune you wan appears The VCRbeg _srecoramg Yore recording time options are 30 minutes 1 horn 1 horn and 30 mimltes 2 horn s 3 hOllFS 017 4 hOIH S You can increase the bngth of time you w...

Page 83: ...e daily e eiy day Monda thi ou_h Friday or weekly the same day every s_eek I AvMove _ Sel r Exit The clock mt_s be set o the cot lect ime and date befL_r e yo_l pro 8_am the time_ _o_ mo_e infL r ma t...

Page 84: ...ec Press the UP DOV dNA_V ounons fO _elecl Tne no when jou wan _o oegin eco amg 1ImploRe or d No Mode CH Star End Once 10 30 am 12 gOam BF 01 2002 Tue AvAdj l_Se Fm Exit 8 Press the RIGHT_ button men...

Page 85: ...dines hat over ap_ a program overlapwarning appeal s on the TV sel een alongwith h_stmctions tbr fixing the overlap The diner indicator on the front panel If the TV flhlminates when progl am times ha_...

Page 86: ...RIGHT 4_ button to sele Press MENU to return to _T _OW normaJviewing F N ib _ gel Exit ia bl b i 1_ii_i_ii_ p_ay ga _pe see p_ges S _ a d _ 2 Insert and playa I _ pr_ieeorded _deo I cassette tape It...

Page 87: ...n to normal viewing 3 insert and p_aya re recoraea wrJe casse te fade _ot can c oose o lave y om bk k Fepeat f_ olr oile o el times oF endlessly Yori fformatio _ or h serth g and 5 5 2 playing a tape...

Page 88: ...d stereo VCR 2 Pressthe MTSbutton reeeatealy o se ecr Molto Stereo k or _ JVJTS Recording JVJonitor JVJode Normal audio Stereobroadcast Stereo Bilingual broadcast Displayon Stereo SAP theTV screen Sel...

Page 89: ...se at most electionics supply stoies VVe iecommend that you play the p_eqecorded tape in the separate VCR or camcorder artd record orl yo_lr TV JVJaking the onnections Attachoneena oime T_rsr came to...

Page 90: ...line to her thaH from the normal broadcas signal _ A r_ will emaiN on scFeeN ur fl the PEA_ button is xessed Dr the T begirt recording siraultaneously press the RECbutton on the recording TVIsremote...

Page 91: ...n You can watch a tape at various slow motion speeds 1 vvnJl_a _ape is playing I tess the S OW el SLOW our on or me _lme pfc u e Isj ery or snows noise _ryusing me TRI burton s _oclear me e _ure I 2 P...

Page 92: ...e power should be OFJ _ for at least 30 minutes Pic_ure oils v srlicall _ tjtlst the antenna Check all wire connections The TV opel ares erratical b Jrtplug the _P_ fbr 30 seconds 1hen t v operating i...

Page 93: ...be con pl_ ted ar this time i ecause 1 The DVD_ soirware estricts it 2 The DVD_ sonwal e doesn t support he feature o The feattlre is not available at me none r 4 You ve requested a titl_ or chapter n...

Page 94: ...me_ p_ogram Make sure The unit was turned off Check the programmed start and stof times Make sure the time ie set correctl 3 There is nc picha e 1he picture is disiorted during video tape play back or...

Page 95: ...rot nation Liquids that spill into it can cause serious damage Cabinet Never operl the cabinet or touch the palts inside Wipe your 3 _ ay combinatiorl with a clean dry cloth Never use water clearliF g...

Page 96: ...ed with a video tape Choosing the Correct Recording Speed Your VCR is equipped with variable tape speed You can lay or r ecor a tape at SD Standard Play the astest speed SLP Super Long _ ay the slowes...

Page 97: ...you wish to elase a iecolJ ed tape o to record on a cas sette with the tab iemoved covei the hole with cello phane tape Sending Tapes to Another Country Because valious TV standards ale used thlougho...

Page 98: ..._ 4 APJ_I x l 1X...

Page 99: ...1 AF_P ND X _ 5...
