Ki Pro Quad v5.2r3
You will be alerted to an alarm condition by having all backlit keys and the display flash
to full intensity for 2 seconds. If more than one alarm state is active, then the display will
hold each alarm notification for 3 seconds before cycling to the next alarm. These alarm
notifications override whatever the display is currently showing for the TRANSPORT or
STATUS menus.
Once there is a Ki Pro Quad alarm active, the STATUS button light will blink for as long as
the alarm is present. This alerts you so you’ll know the reasons for the alarm condition are
still active—you can then press the STATUS button to determine what the alarm
condition is.
CONFIG and MEDIA menus, once entered after an alarm notification, will cause the alarm
display to go away. Pushing any button always returns Ki Pro Quad to its pre-alarm
state—however, if the alarm condition still exists after this initial button push (i.e., the
reason for the alarm), the alarm notification will reappear on the display. Note: the
STATUS button will blink if there is an active alarm condition.
Ki Pro Quad features a variety of alarms to help you diagnose the condition of the unit,
possible configuration issues, or possible signal issues. Here is a list of warning messages
and their meaning:
“WARNING Input Format Changed” prompt appears if a recording is started and the
signal is lost or changed. If this occurs, Ki Pro Quad stops the recording that is in progress
(unless the Loss of Video CONFIG menu parameter is set to continue recording.)
“WARNING No Video Input” may appear if there is no video input to Ki Pro Quad. No
recording will be performed in this state.
“WARNING Input Error” may appear if a format or frame rate that is not supported is
supplied to the Ki Pro Quad or a link of a multi-link signal (dual link or quad link) is
missing; no recordings will be produced if this alarm appears.
“WARNING Dropped Frames” may appear if media is under-performing and cannot keep
up with the data rate required to make a recording or perform a playback. If you see this
prompt during recording, recordings will stop. If this prompt appears, you might
consider backing up your current recordings and formatting the media. For playback,
you might simply re-attempt playback.
“WARNING Media Low” will appear when the media only has 15% of capacity remaining.
Media must be switched out when it reaches 10% of capacity. With 10% of media
remaining, the “WARNING Media Full” prompt will appear.
“WARNING Media in Use” may appear if you try to use media while another operation is
still taking place. Wait for the operation to finish and then try again or press STOP.
“WARNING Media Not Present” may appear if media has been physically removed and
the user hits the slot button.
“WARNING Media Unformatted” may appear if Ki Pro Quad does not recognize the file
system on the SSD media or the media has never been formatted.
“WARNING Storage Removed” will appear if the media is removed without first hitting
the SLOT button to properly unmount it. In the event this happens, media immediately
re-inserted into the Ki Pro Quad may show clips as “N/A” and subsequent recordings may
not be possible. To resolve this issue, mount the media on an Apple computer under Mac
OSX, then remove and re-insert the media into your Ki Pro Quad. If the media does not
read properly, you will need to format it. Additionally, this alarm will lead to the “Please
Reboot” prompt.