Hi5-3D Mini-Converter v3.3 10 www.aja.com
Select either the Windows or Mac icon to download the desired version.
Mini-Converter Documentation
Included with the AJA Mini-Config package is a complete set of documentation
for all Mini-Converters supported by AJA Mini-Config. A .PDF of the
and Operation Guide
for the currently connected Mini-Converter can be accessed
from the AJA Mini-Config UI via the
drop-down menu.
Documentation for all AJA Mini-Converters that use AJA Mini-Config can also
be accessed directly in the AJA Mini-Config download package Documentation
folder, and via the Documentation icon available on the Mac installer.
Documentation (and firmware) included with the AJA Mini-Config application
are the versions available at the time of distribution. However, Mini-Converter
software, firmware and documentation are updated regularly, so newer versions
may exist.
To download the latest documentation for an individual Mini-Converter, go to:
and navigate to the Support webpage of that Mini-Converter.
Installing AJA Mini-Config
PC Installation
To install AJA Mini-Config on a Windows PC:
1. Download the application from the AJA website (select the Windows icon
on the AJA Mini-Config Support webpage).
2. Open the AJA_MiniConfig.zip file
3. Double-click on the MiniInstaller.msi file.
4. A Setup Wizard will guide you through the installation.
Figure 4. AJA Mini-Config PC Setup Wizard
5. Click Next to begin. Answer the questions in the subsequent dialogues.
When finished, an AJA Mini-Config shortcut will be installed on the desktop,
and you will be able to locate the AJA Mini-Config application in the AJA
folder in the Programs listing.