3G-AMA Mini-Converter v1.1r1 17 www.aja.com
About Audio Levels
Professional audio equipment has much higher levels than consumer equipment:
a 0 VU reading corresponds to +4 dBu. Connecting a profes4 dBu device
to a consumer audio input (-7 to -8 dBu) may produce overloading, whereas the
output of a consumer device probably does not have sufficient power to drive a
professional audio input. With consumer and semi-professional audio equipment,
a VU reading of 0 dB is typically referenced to -10 dBV, which is equivalent to -7.78
Update Tab Screen
Use this Update tab screen to view the software version currently installed on the
converter or install new software.
NOTE: When discussing Mini-Converters, “Firmware” is software that will be stored in
the Mini-Converter’s non-volatile memory and used when it is powered up. This
is something different than the Mini-Config application software. The version
numbers shown in the Update screen refer only to the firmware.
This field shows the version of the firmware currently installed inside the Mini-
This field shows the version of firmware embedded in the Mini-Config application
which you can install into the Mini-Converter by clicking the Update button.
This button initiates a software update operation loading the “Desired” version of
firmware into the Mini-Converter’s non-volatile memory.