HELO Plus H.264 Streaming and Recording Encoder v1.0 36 www.aja.com
Recording Duration Extent
Selects whether the recording will continue indefinitely, stop automatically after
a fixed amount of time, or record as a long single segment.
Unlimited -
Once started, recording will continue until the media becomes full,
or until it is stopped by the operator, or stopped by a dropped frame (factory
Fixed -
The Recording Duration (hours) and Recording Duration (minutes) sliders
become active. They can be used to set the length of the recording (unless it is
stopped manually or for another reason).
Long Single Segment -
In this mode, you can record a long single clip up to a
maximum of 720 minutes (12 hours). When the maximum duration has been
reached, the unit will end the recording. Because a long single segment needs
more information written to its header, the startup time will be delayed. When
the recording has completed, you can initiate another recording manually.
NOTE: Long Single Segment recordings must use the exFAT format. Use a computer to
format your media in exFAT. FAT32 file systems cannot be used for Long Single
Segment recordings because of file length limitations.
IMPORTANT: The limits and behavior for various kinds of storage devices may vary.
"Full" may mean different things depending on whether storage is local or on
a network. "Full" may also mean different things depending on whether the
HELO Plus is recording or is in idle. Some media may degrade in performance
shortly before they are full, which can cause a recording to fail.
IMPORTANT: Consider the quality of your storage media if you are needing to push the
limits of its storage capacity. When storage is near 90% full and you are recording
at 20Mb/s, your media may hit its limit quickly starting at 11% free space, whereas
recording at 10Mb/s may allow your media to fill more completely.
Media Limits When Not Recording
• Local warning limit at 15% storage remaining
• Network warning limit at 7% storage remaining
• Local full limit at 10% storage remaining
• Network full limit at 5% storage remaining
Media Limits When Recording
• Local warning limit at 15% storage remaining
• Network warning limit at 7% storage remaining
• Local full limit at 1% storage remaining
• Network full limit at 1% storage remaining
Starting Segment Number
This slider sets the number appended to the filename of the first recording. If
a record duration is set, that number will be appended for each subsequent
recording with that file name prefix ("001" is the factory default).
File Segment Record Duration (minutes)
This slider sets the maximum duration in minutes of each recording segment
(factory default is 60 minutes). After one segment is finished, a new recording
segment is initiated with the next segment number appended to the file name.
NOTE: This slider is limited to 360 minutes unless the Recording Duration Extent
parameter is set to Long Single Segment, in which case the maximum is 720