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3. Display of “CRT ON” accumulated hours
The CRT usage time is accumulated on an hourly basis and is displayed in
hexadecimal figures.
Sample calculation of displayed hexadecimal figures: AFT OK 1234 H ST+S
• The display will be reset to 0000H when the accumulated hours exceed
7FFFH(32768 hours).
Contents of Aging Mode :
1. Release “Auto Power Off” function
Release “Auto Power Off” function when no input is supplied.
Use this mode for warming up (aging) during CRT adjustment.
2. AFT S-curve status indication
The condition of FT S-curves are indicated by “OK” for suitable tuning, “UP” for too high or “DN” for too low.
AFT S-curve
. . . Deviation from standard value high.
. . . Normal value.
. . . (DOWN) Deviation from standard value low.