E val u at ing L in k Qu al ity
C o m m i ssi o n i n g M an u al
28.2. RSSI Levels
It is crucial to measure received signal strength (RSSI) levels at both the BSR and
SPR to ensure that a sufficient wireless link exists for communication. The RSSI
measurements indicate the signal strength between these two devices.
The desired RSSI levels for ensuring a quality link depends on the maximum
transmission rate mode in which the BSR-SPR link is configured.
28-1: Desire RSSI levels per rate
Rate mode
Total rate
Desired RSSI
4 Mbps
-78 dBm
4 Mbps
1.33 Mbps
-90 dBm
3 Mbps
-75 dBm
2 Mbps
-83 dBm
3 Mbps
1 Mbps
-90 dBm
1) Ensure that the RSSI measured at the BSR and at the SPR do not differ
more than 5 dBm. A difference of 5 dBm and greater may be caused by
different radio Tx power levels between BSR and SPR or poor antenna
orientation. Different Tx levels may be due to the BSR controlling SPR's power
(i.e. Power Management mode is set to On).
2) For RSSI measurement at SPR, no traffic generation is required; for RSSI
measurement at BSR, traffic generation is required (see Section
"Generating Traffic to Measure Throughput").
Typically, the RSSI is measured at the BSR using WipManage, and the RSSI is
measured at the SPR using WipConfig.
Airspan Networks Inc.