Network
Configuration
3G
Mode
Setup
TheiTravel
default
mode
is
3G
mode.If
you
want
to
change
to
other
modes,
please
refer
to
the
correspondingmode
configuration
steps.
1.
Power
on
the
iTraveland
wait
the
system
indicator
turn
from
red
into
blue,
and
then
insert
your
3G
card
in
the
iTravel.
2.
On
your
computer/
Smart
phone
/tablet,
find
and
join
iTravel’sWiFi
network
to
access
Internet.
The
default
wireless
network
name
is
,not
encrypted
by
default.
Mode
Setup
1.
Power
on
the
iTraveland
wait
the
system
indicator
turn
from
red
into
blue.
2.
On
your
computer/
Smart
phone
/tablet,
find
and
join
iTravel’sWiFi
network.
The
default
wireless
network
name
is
,
not
encrypted
by
default.