Before installing the vibrator, make sure that you have everything that you will need and that
there is no shipping damage. Any product damage should be reported to the delivery service
immediately. Standard metric hand tools will be needed. Carefully handle the electric vibrator.
Dropping or impacting the electric vibrator may damage the bearings.
Welding – Never weld on a bin, hopper or machine with the electric vibrator mounted to it
since the welding may damage the vibrator bearings or electrical circuits. When you do weld,
especially in an enclosed area, make sure that the area is known to be nonhazardous and that
there are no flammable or explosive levels of gases, vapors or dusts.
Mounting Surface – The object of vibration on bins and hoppers is to transmit vibration energy
through the structure to the material within. The mounting surface must be rigid and strong for
this transfer of energy to take place. The mounting surface must also be clean, flat (0.010 in.
across mounting feet maximum), free of paint and have a minimum thickness equal to the
major diameter of the mounting bolt. Also make sure that the electric vibrator feet are clean
and free of debris.
Mounting Plate
The mounting plate should be at least the overall size of the electric vibrator feet. It should be
located on the bin and hopper wall at a height of ¼ to 1/3 of the sloped wall height. The
mounting plate or bracket should extend at least ¾ the length of the sloped wall. Reference
Figure 1. If a second electric vibrator is to be installed to the bin or hopper, install it at a height
of ½ of the sloped wall height and 180° from the first vibrator. Weld the mounting plate or
bracket to the structure wall with skip welds that are 3 in. long then skip 2 in. then 3 in. long
weld, etc. Do not weld at corners of mounting plate within 1 in. of the corner.
Figure 1.
Mounting Examples