Appendix A AT Commands
Grant modem on hold request with a 2 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with a 3 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with a 4 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with a 6 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with a 8 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with a 12 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with a 16 min. time-out.
Grant modem on hold request with an indefinite time-out.
+PQC=<value>—V.92 Phase 1 and Phase 2 Control
Use this command to configure the V.92 short training sequence. This
command selects which short phases are used during initiation of a
connection. Once the modem is configured, use the
command to
enable or disable the short training sequence.
Enable short phase 1 and short phase 2 (default).
Enable short phase 1 only.
Enable short phase 2 only.
Disable short phase 1 and short phase 2.
+PSS=<value>—Use Short Sequence
Use this command to enable or disable the V.92 short training sequence.
Use training sequence set in by the
Use long training sequence.
+VCID=<value>—Caller ID
Use this command to enable or disable caller ID.
Disable caller ID.
Enable caller ID with formatted presentation.
Enable caller ID with out formatting.
+FTH=<mod>—Transmit HDLC Data with <mod> Carrier
command causes the modem to transmit data framed in
the HDLC protocol.
V.21 channel 2. 300 bits/s.
V.27ter. 2400 bits/s.
V.27ter. 4800 bits/s.
V.29. 7200 bits/s.