If you do not have adequate Signal Strength, try re-orienting the Access
Point and/or the USB Adapter by using the USB Extension Cable included in
the package to get a better reception.
If you are experiencing problems with the connection (unable to connect,
low signal strength, slow connection speed, not working, unstable wireless
connection) you may want to tune your router’s signal by changing the
frequency (if your router supports 5 GHz) and/or channels on the router.
You do not need to change the frequency or channel on the Adapter; it will
automatically pick up the new settings after you reboot the router.
For instructions on changing channels, please refer to the documentation
that comes with the router.
Connecting to the Router with WPS
Airlink101 Dual Band Wireless N USB Adapter has an innovated built-in
WPS (WiFi-Protected Setup) push button which can synchronize and build a
connection between any WPS support router safely and easily. If your
wireless router does not support WPS feature, you will need to set up the
wireless security manually and you can skip this section.
In the instructions below, we are going to use the Airlink101 Dual Band
Wireless N Router AR725W and Dual Band Wireless N USB Adapter
AWLL7025 as the example.
Section 3 (Optional)