P A R A M E T E R R E F E R E N C E ( T D M 8 8 0 I S P E C I F I C P A R A M E T E R S )
After a new configuration is retrieved, a special acknowledgement message is sent to the configuration sender. The
format of the acknowledgement is as follows:
Table 10
Acknowledgement message format
Alerting feature
The Alerting feature configuration is divided into two parts:
• general parametrization available for all alerts
• alert specific parameters.
The generic configuration parameters are:
• LIP inclusion, giving the possibility to include alert statuses into LIP messaging
• Acknowledgement allowed from all numbers.
The alert specific parameters are:
• IO line bound to alert
• Alert handling: None, SDS-1 or SDS-4 messaging when alert condition occurs
• Handling including one shot messaging, continuous - until alert condition is removed, until successful sending
or special acknowledge required before clearing the condition
• Encoding of the message (SDS-4)
• Status value or SDS-4 payload
• Lifetime of the alert
• Destination address into which the alert messages are sent.
TETRA Terminal Programming Tool (TPT)
The Alerting feature can be configured using the Mobile Parametrization view shown in Figure 7.
Protocol Identifier
Sub-protocol Identifier
PDU type
4 bits : 0000
Result code
4 bits : 0000 = OK, 0001 = invalid parameters, 0010 = Failed due buffer IO error