approaches. The expenditure guidance distance is longer thereby. On distance it should only go
who sufficiently knows the area.
From standing landings to secondly we advise against. The clearance to the rausdrücken is
small. And the risk of an injury must be very strongly pressed is high.
In UL-dragging the launch car must be laid out for the higher load. The angle of incidence must
voices (approx.12° at the keel end). And the landing flap should approx.15° deflected its. The
front wheels launch car must possess a wake those the cars to stabilize without into a natural
oscillation to turn out.
As break section 100kp at the side of the pilot is recommended and/or. 120kp to the Trikeseite.
A rope tear must be able to be always taken into account. D. h. even if the drag UL in a flat angle
rises should at each time one level Rollstrecke with gemähter meadow or similar condition to be
achieved be able.
The passenger should hold on to the pilot, so that he does not oscillate to the rear. Pilot and
passenger together do not bind are necessary possible however.
After the start the trim with the flap position can be adapted depending upon airspeed
: Particularly in may no play double seat-inherit-rubbed in the control be, D. h. Moves
one one Wings lower themselves downward the spoilers of a side, as soon as the spoilers at the
sail must rest upon the spoilers of the other side with the excursion to then begin. This is not the
case must the length of the steering rope at the spoiler lever at the rib 6 be readjusted.
Here the harness of the passenger should be connected with that of the pilot. The forces with
those the passenger to in front hold must are otherwise too large. If the harnesses are not
connected, the passenger oscillates to the rear and the pilot cannot fly perhaps any longer fast
enough. Note: Flow separation danger!
Note: Since pilot and passenger with connected harnesses only very badly to run to be able
should be started only with launch car.
The ATOS is mostly made of GRP components materials. These materials show another
breaking behavior contrary to aluminum and steel. Most metallic materials permit a damage
recognition due to their duktilen behavior by deformation. With dynamic loads it can lead however
also here to a cracking which can be recognized with difficulty.
With GRP components materials a damage cannot be usually determined by a lasting
deformation. Here other methods must be used for damage recognition, like z.B. by control of the
rigidity, by cracking in places with stress concentrations of a gluing, one Delamination in the
laminate or sand-yielded, (only with GRP laminate visibly to recognize with CFK among other
things by rigidity control).
For these reasons should after a possible damage to critical places
(S. and.) an equipment check of a ATOS Dealer to be accomplished.
A first check by the dealer is after approximately. 200 flying hours or 2 years necessarily. Up to
then it is however essential to accomplish the following maintenance work itself. Here if ambiguity
should develop, contact with the manufacturer or a ATOS dealer is to be taken up.
After the roofridge flying hours the knots and thus the rope sit down acres slightly strained. The
thereby developing play into the control has however NO effect on flight safety, should more
however, if it more largely than approx. 20 mm for each side is, for a more direct handling at the
soil and in the flight, to be placed behind.
Accordingly adjust for this the knurled thumb screw at the spoiler lever. Subsequently, the play of
spoiler ILS at the trapezoid examines.
After adjusting the spoiler hurry
also the attitude of stopper ILS to be examined (S.and.).
Attitude and function of stopper ILS