Typematic Rate Programming
: Choose Enabled or Disabled.
Enable this option to adjust the keystroke repeat rate. Adjust the rate
via Typematic Rate Delay and Typematic Rate.
Typematic Rate Delay
: Choose the delay between holding down a
key and when the character begins repeating. Default is
Typematic Rate
: Choose the rate a character keeps repeating.
Default is 15 characters per second.
Above 1MB Memory Test
: Default is "Disabled" to speed up power-
on initialization process and the BIOS will only test the extended
memory every 32K locations only to determine the on-board memory
Memory Test Tick Sound
: Default is "Enabled" for the ticking sound
during memory test.
Memory Parity Error Check
: Default is "Enabled" to test for
transmission errors in data read from memory.
Hard Disk Type 47 RAM Area
: The BIOS uses this area to store
extended information, such as user definable drive type 47.
There are two options:
Default option is
in lower system RAM
in the top 1KB of the 640KB DOS base memory
System Boot Up NumLock
: When the computer boots, it selects
the numeric values rather than the cursor control functions on the
numeric keypad of IBM compatible keyboards. Most extended
compatible keyboards have separate cursor control keys. It is
therefore unnecessary to use the numeric keypad for this. The
default setting is "On".
Floppy Drive Seek At Boot
: Default is "Disabled". On this setting
the system will check the hard disk first to find the disk operating
system. This option also allows the user to run the system without a
floppy disk drive.
Page 28 486MI System Board User's Manual