AIR SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL POA Series Operating Instructions And Replacement Parts Download Page 4

Air Systems’ manufactured equipment is warranted to the original user against defects in workmanship or materials under 

normal use for one year from the date of purchase.  Any part which is determined by Air Systems to be defective in mate-

rial or workmanship will be, as the exclusive remedy, repaired or replaced at Air Systems’ option.  This warranty does not 

apply to electrical systems or electronic components.  Electrical parts are warranted, to the original user, for 90 days from 

the date of sale.  During the warranty period, electrical components will be repaired or replaced at Air Systems’ option.


no otHer WArrAnty, eXPreSSeD or imPlieD, AS to DeScriPtion, QUAlity, mercHAntABility, Fit-

neSS For A PArticUlAr PUrPoSe, or Any otHer mAtter iS GiVen By Air SyStemS in connection 

HereWitH. UnDer no circUmStAnceS SHAll tHe Seller Be liABle For loSS oF ProFitS, Any otHer 

Direct or inDirect coStS, eXPenSeS, loSSeS, or DAmAGeS AriSinG oUt oF DeFectS in, or FAilUre 

oF tHe ProDUct or Any PArt tHereoF.


The purchaser shall be solely responsible for compliance with all applicable Federal, State and Local OSHA and/or MSHA 

requirements.  Although Air Systems International believes that its products, if operated and maintained as shipped from 

the factory and in accordance with our “operations manual”, conform to OSHA and/or MSHA requirements, there are no 

implied or expressed warranties of such compliance extending beyond the limited warranty described herein. Product 

designs and specifi cations are subject to change without notice.  Rev. 2, 12/98


Air leaks are not covered under warranty except when they result from a defective system component, i.e. an on/off valve 

or regulator or upon initial delivery due to poor workmanship. Air leaks due to poor delivery or damage will be covered un-

der delivery claims. Minor air leaks are part of routine service and maintenance and are the responsibility of the customer 

just as are fi lters and oil changes.


Manual No. POA027

Rev 4  September 2018

Printed in the U.S.A.   ©Copyright Air Systems International, Inc.   2018   All Rights Reserved
