1. Introduction
irLive WHA-5500CPE-NT User’s Manual
1.1 Overview
The WHA-5500CPE-NT is a wireless outdoor multi-function device based on IEEE
802.11a/b/g radio technologies. You can choose between 2.4GHz or 5GHz frequency
spectrum. When installed in upright position, it is rain and splash proof. It features
N-Type connector for attachment to outdoor antenna. This device does not have built-in
antenna. The firmware of the AP provides up to 8 operations modes* to satisfy different
application environments. This guide is for firmware version V2.00e02 or newer. If you
have older firmware, please go to
to download the latest version.
1.2 How to Use This Guide
WHA-5500CPE-NT is an advanced wireless AP with many functions. It is recommended
that you read through the entire user’s guide whenever possible. The user guide is
divided into different chapters. You should read at least go through the first 3 chapters
before attempting to install the device.
Recommended Reading
Chapter 1
1.5 Operation Modes:
This section explains the usage of each wireless
operation mode. It is a must read.
Chapter 2:
This chapter is about hardware installation. You should read
through the entire chapter.
Chapter 3:
3.1 Important Information:
This section has default settings information
suchs as IP, password, SSID, and recommended browser
3.3 Management Interface:
This section introduces Web, HTTPS, and
3.4 Introduction to Web Management:
This section tells you how to get into
the Web UI using HTTP and HTTPS. In addition, it also explains about the
basic menu structure.
Initial Configurations
: This section guide you through the essential initial
configurations such as choosing operation mode, set device IP, password,
and change frequency domain.
Chapter 4 Web Management – Wireless and WAN Settings:
This chapter
explain the wireless functions and router mode settings in the WHA-5500CPE-NT.