3. Configuring the AP60
AirLive AP60 User’s Manual
The AP60 offers web browser (http) as management interface.
In this chapter, we will
explain Air3G’s management interface and how to get into them.
3.1 Important Information
The following information will help you to get start quickly. However, we recommend you
to read through the entire manual before you start. Please note the password and SSID
are case sensitive.
The default IP address is: Subnet Mask:
The default user’s name is: admin
The default password is: airlive
The default SSID is: airlive
The default wireless mode is : AP mode
After power on, please wait for 1 minutes for AP60 to finish boot up
Please remember to click on “Apply” for new settings to take effect
You must reboot the AP60 after you finish all the settings for changes to
take effect
When you change to “AP Router” mode, the LAN port 1 will become WAN port.
The default regulatory domain is “ETSI” for Europe. If you are not living in EU
countries, you might wish to change the regulatory domain. However, please do
not choose regulatory domain that does not apply to your country. Using wrong
regulatory domain might be illegal.
By Default, the DHCP server is turned off, please to configure your PC’s IP
address manually.
Configuring the AP60