Version 0030
At height the best way to minimize pilot workload and physical fatigue is to fly the
aircraft while trying to let the control bar float through turbulence. Use your arms as
dampers and try not to rigidly fight the movement. Close to the ground, where accurate
control is required, the displacement of the aircraft in turbulence can be reduced by
bracing the control bar relative to the structure of the trike unit. This then transmits to the
wing the pendulum stability of the trike mass. However the pilot must be ready to make
any necessary corrective control inputs.
Smooth flight in turbulence in a flexwing aircraft is a skill that is learned with time and
experience. Please remember the old adage: “It is better to be on the ground wishing that
you were in the air, than in the air wishing that you were on the ground!”
Rain, ice and snow:
Flight in rain increases the stall speed of the aircraft and reduces maneuverability at
slow speeds. The simple presence of raindrops scattered on the leading edge of the
wing before or during flight increases stall speed by a factor of up to 10%.
We recommend wiping the fabric of the leading edge with an absorbent cloth if such
conditions are observed before flight. During flight, so long as raindrops are present on
the windshield of the trike, one must expect a higher stall speed, obtained with the control
bar further back than usual. Be particularly careful in landing approach and raise the
recommended speeds by 10%, especially if takeoff load is high.
Any other form of contamination of the leading edge, the airfoil, and the upper surface
such as ice or snow will result in strongly increased stall speeds and a large reduction in
overall aircraft performance.
Never take off under such conditions!
If these
conditions are encountered during flight, attempt to escape these conditions as quickly as
possible. If this is not possible, the aircraft should make an emergency landing as soon as
it is safe to do so. During this process avoid flight at low speed and expect poor aircraft