do NOT, under any circumstance, use guitar cable to connect the amplifier to a speaker
cabinet. Doing so may cause damage to the amplifier.
Effects Loop:
This is a 1/4" TRS (tip/ring/sleeve) insert style jack. The nominal 0dBu level allows use
of line-level (pro) effects for lowest noise levels. The TRS insert jack allows use of a
single TRS cable to connect the effects, instead of the two 1/4" cables normally required
for an effects loop. The TRS cable (also called an “insert” cable) is a cable that has a
stereo ¼” jack on one end and breaks out into two mono ¼” jacks that go into the input
and output of the effects unit. These insert cables are available at most music stores
(they are typically used to connect compressors or other effects to a single channel on a
mixing board). Alternately, you can make or buy a stereo to two-mono “pigtail” adapter
cable (available from places like Radio Shack) and use standard ¼” cables to connect
the effects.
Once properly connected, adjust the effects unit’s input level control so the signal
presence LED is lit (if there is one) and the clip LED occasionally lights on peaks or
doesn’t light at all, depending on the effect’s requirements. Then adjust the effects unit’s
output level so the Intruder’s volume is the same with the insert cable plugged into the
back of the amp or unplugged. Refer to the effects unit user manual for proper
adjustment in case it differs from these instructions.
Bias Test Jacks:
Three standard tip jacks are available to allow easy bias current measurements without
removing the chassis. Refer to the section on biasing for instructions on the use of these
A locking mil-style RV6 trimpot is provided to allow adjustment of bias current. The outer
locknut must be loosened before adjusting the screwdriver-slot control. Refer to the
section on biasing for further instructions.
IntruderMKIIManual.doc 06/17/13 Page 8 of 17
Copyright 2004-2011, Aiken Amplification, Inc.