Aifro WaterEco User Manual
After the initial purchase, are there any ongoing costs? If so, how is that structured?
No, there are no hidden costs, monthly fees or any other expenses involved.
Is Aifro WaterEco capable of firmware updates and can that be done by the user?
Yes. If there is a firmware update available, you can enter "Settings" - "Advanced settings" and then tap the
"Upgrade" button to finish the firmware update.
Can Aifro WaterEco be set to not water if it 1) has rained in the last x hours/days, 2)
is currently raining, 3) is forecasted to rain in the next x hours/days? What method
does Aifro WaterEco use to determine if it has 1) rained in the past, 2) is currently
raining, 3) is forecasted to rain in the future?
Aifro WaterEco is a forecast watering controller. The rain events in the last few hours were already considered in
the last forecast. The current and future rain amounts would be considered in the most recent weather forecasts.
So, the answer is yes.
What if I forgot the device password?
If you forgot the device password, the only method is to restore the factory settings to reset the
password. Hold the "Reset" button for about 5 seconds and Aifro WaterEco will be reset.
After Aifro WaterEco is reset, you can login with the default password "12345678" and modify the password on
the "Settings" - "Advanced settings" interface.
1. If you have never changed the device password, please login with the default password 12345678.
2. If you restore the factory settings, then all settings you have made before will be invalid.
FCC Standard
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is an independent agency of the United States government,
created by Congressional statute to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and
cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia U.S. territories. The FCC works towards six goals in the areas of
broadband, competition, the spectrum, the media, public safety and homeland security.
FCC regulations are designed to reduce electromagnetic interference, manage and control radio frequency range
and protect normal operation of telecommunication networks and electrical products. According to the US
Federal Communications laws and regulations, electronic products imported to the United States need to pass
the EMC certifications (except for some of the relevant provisions of special products). The most common
authentication methods are Certification, DOC and Verification.
After passing the FCC authentication, authorized products should bear a special certif
cation mark.
Aifro WaterEco has passed FCC, UL, CE, RoHS and Wi-Fi 802.11 international
authoritative organization certifications.