Fixing and Maintenance Instructions
Ver. 5 4/2014 (1003)
Rotate the footrests towards the commode so that they clip into place.
When moving always lift the commode by placing you hands on the tubular metal frame beneath the
Do not allow children or unauthorised persons to play with or use the commode.
Do not rock back and forth or sideways when using the commode as this will cause excessive
stress and possible damage and failure which may cause injury.
Do not use the commode outside the home or on uneven surfaces (such as in the garden) as
this will cause stress to the legs and possible damage which may cause injury. It is not
intended as a wheelchair.
Do not place fingers or foreign objects into any of the exposed tubular sections as this can
lead to serious injury.
When operating the brake mechanism, do not stamp on the lever as this may cause damage
to the mechanism and possible failure.
Not for use in the shower. Dry immediately if the Lenham becomes wet.
NB. Before attempting to adjust the height of your commode, always ensure that the commode
pail is removed.
To adjust the height of your Lenham, carefully lay the commode on its side. Remove all the e-clips and
adjust all four legs equally to the desired height.
Re-insert the e-clips ensuring that each one passes through the frame and the correct hole in the
extension leg.
Return the commode to the upright position and make sure that all wheels are sitting evenly on the
NB. Never extend the legs in a manner that the commode is slanting, this will compromise the
safety of the user.
To remove the commode bucket, simply slide the bucket out from the chrome runners at the rear of the
commode. Cover the top of the bucket to avoid splashing, carefully dispose of the contents into a
proper sluice or WC.