If the FIRE indicator is lighting and there is no obvious fire, press
the button. The LOCATE segment will change from red to blue.
After a 10 to 40 seconds period, all the Alarms in the system will
stop sounding except the source Alarm(s).
If you are satisfied there is no fire but the Smoke/
Heat Alarm is still continuing to alarm you may now
silence the system. Wait until the SILENCE segment is
flashing red and then press the button. The SILENCE
segment will turn blue, after a delay the Alarm(s) will
stop sounding and all segments on the controller will
flash green momentarily to indicate that the Alarm
Controller is back in standby.
Temporary Alarm Activation:
Your alarm system could be activated by a false or
temporary alarm condition and then return to normal
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Locate the source Alarm(s)
Silence the source Alarm(s)
Fire / CO Alarm Controller
Fire / CO Alarm Controller