Special functions
12.4.4 Analog start and analog end
The analog output of measured values to the analog output modules (see Man-
ual Ch 5) or to the display as bar chart or line graph must in most cases be
scaled to a particular range. You can do this by simply stipulating the start value
and end value of the range you want displayed. This range will then be mapped
to the analog range 2 V, 10 V, 20 mA or for the display with 100 pixels.
Program the analog output start
6 Analog start : 0.0 °C
Program the analog output end
6 Analog end : 100.0 °C
These two parameters, "analog output start" and "analog output end", are also
saved in the sensor EEPROM and can thus be individually programmed for
each channel; i.e. when channels are switched through manually each measur-
able variable can be individually scaled.
The flag for switching over from 0 - 20 mA to 4 - 20 mA is programmed via the
element flags (see 12.4.8).
For programming all the parameters of an analog output the wizard menu
log output
is provided (see 12.6.3).
12.4.5 Output function
If the current measured value of the measuring point Mxx is not actually needed
but only the maximum, minimum, average, or alarm value, this function can be
programmed as output function (see Manual 6.10.4). Saving, analog output,
and digital output will then only process the specified function value. As verifica-
tion for the output function being thus changed the measured value is shown
with the symbols listed below (see 10.2).
1. If measured values are being averaged over the cycle the only output value
of interest is the average value itself, not the last measured value. With a
data logger this saves memory capacity.
2. The analog measured value from dew sensor FH A946-1 is not really signifi-
cant. I you set limit value, maximum to approx. 0.5 V and program the "alarm
value" function, you will then only receive the values 0.0% for dry and
100.0% for dew.
Output function
Verification symbols
Measured value (Mxx)
Output function : Meas
Difference (Mxx - M00)
Output function : Diff
Maximum value (Mxx)
Output function : Max
Minimum value (Mxx)
Output function : Min
Average value (Mxx)
Output function : M(t)
Alarm value (Mxx)
Output function : Alrm