13. Device configuration
In sleep mode the function field displays ab-
breviation ´
´; in this status the device can
no longer be operated.
To quit sleep mode and terminate a measu-
ring operation the device must be switched
ON again by pressing key
13.2 Device locking
Measured data acquisition can be locked by
means of a password and thus protected
against unauthorized manipulation. To do so
- before starting a measuring operation (see
13.1) - select the locking code function ´
and enter a 4-digit number as password (dis-
play ´Loc´).
When the measuring operation is started all
keys are locked - except 'ON'. If key
pressed the ´
´ function will reappear and, as soon as the appropriate num-
ber is entered, all keys will be unlocked again. Otherwise the measuring ope-
ration is simply continued.
13.3 Atmospheric pressure compensation
Some measured variables depend on the ambient atmospheric pressure (see
11.1.2, measuring range list 'with PC') - with the effect that large deviations
from normal pressure (1013 mbar) may lead to measuring errors.
e.g. Error per 100 mbar
Compensation range
RH, psychrometric
approx. 2%
500 to 1500 mbar
Mixture ratio
approx. 10 %
Vapor pressure VP up to 8 bar
Dynamic pressure
approx. 5%
800 to 1250 mbar (error <2%)
approx. 10%
500 to 1500 mbar
It is important therefore, especially when working at significant altitudes above
sea level, to take due account of atmospheric pressure (approx. -11 mbar / 100
meters above mean sea level, MSL).
The atmospheric pressure can be entered as
a parameter in function 'mb'. (see 13) With op-
tion RHA (integrated atmospheric pressure
sensor) the current atmospheric pressure is
displayed in this function and used automati-
cally for all compensation procedures. There
is also already a function channel 'AP' with the
appropriate measured value. (see 9.2)