The recourse must imperatively be formulated on the AGRISEM INTERNATIONAL guarantee
reclamation form and sent by the dealer to the company’s technical service, by recorded delivery,
with an acknowledgement of receipt, within a delay of one month following the incident. The
reclamation form must be clearly filled in by the dealer and include the following information :
Name and address of the dealer, client code,
Name and address of the owner,
Type of machine,
Serial number of the machine,
Delivery date to the owner,
Date of the problem,
Precise references of parts replaced, with invoice number and date,
Make and type of tractor used,
Detailed description of presumed causes of incident,
Surface area worked by machine,
Surface area of farm,
Type of soil clay %,
The parts presumed faulty should be returned to the company for appraisal along with a duplicate
of the guarantee reclamation form as proof. The consecutive transport costs necessary to return
the above-said parts are the responsibility of the sender.
Maintenance and use of the machine must conform to the user’s manual explanations.
The technical director or managing director of the company will make the final decision as regards
the reclamation. This decision, regardless of the object of the guarantee appeal, is irreversible
and the buyer must undertake to accept the decision regarding the defect, its replacement or that
of certain parts.
The Company salesmen are not competent to make such a decision and if they do so, it could be
considered null and void.
NOTA: In case of refusal, the part remains at the disposition of the client for 8 days, after this delay it will be scrapped with
no appeal possible.
All safety measures mentioned in the user’s manual and likewise those of all complementary
material must be respected. All protector elements and safety devices, plus all dangerous parts
(eg. Shock absorbers) must be regularly inspected and replaced when necessary.
The machine dealers have no right or power to take any decision whatsoever, on purpose or
otherwise, in the name of the company.
Concerned with the constant improvement of its products, AGRISEM INTERNATIONAL reserves
the right to modify them, with no obligation of reproducing the improvements on existing models.
Furthermore, due to the constant evolution of techniques, no guarantee can be given as regards the
description of materials in all documentation produced by the company.