Adjusting the working depth using the roller
The working depth of the disks is controlled using the roller.
The roller also levels and compresses the soil after the seeds have been sown.
Several working depth settings are possible thanks to the Agrisem
The lowest position produces the minimum working depth, here position 1
The highest position produces the maximum working depth, here position 15
Position A is the position of the roller in relation to the Disc-O-Mulch. This is the position in
which the roller kit and the rear row of disks are the closest. This is the standard mounting of a
roller kit on a Disc-O-Mulch.
Position B is the position in which the roller is the furthest away for a greater distance between
the roller kit and the rear row of disks.
Positions C and D correspond to the bottom roller stop. This allows you to limit the travel of
the roller arm between the lower and upper stops.
If this is permitted by the working position, immobilise the roller arms using the lower stop pins.
This prevents friction between the roller arms and the multistops that might otherwise cause
premature wear.
It is the setting of the multistops and therefore the height of the roller that dictates the working
depth. A Disc-O-Mulch works on the surface (between 2 and 6 cm) at a high forward speed
(around 12 km/h).
At the end of the field, the DISCO-O-MULCH must be lifted to avoid
subjecting the tool to crossways movements before turning around.
The tractor should therefore be aligned with the direction of work before the
DISCO-O-MULCH is lowered.