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3.  Site preparation 

3.1.  Place the roof structure in the site that you intend to install the arch and mark the positions of the four 

uprights. Remove the roof section and use the Holemaker provided to make 13” deep holes at the four 
marks. Ensure that the holes are all vertical and the same depth. 

3.2.  Remove the two lower spacers from the roof assembly. 
3.3.  Place one of the uprights with an end plug in each hole and ensure that the tops are level. Adjust if 



4.  Final assembly 

4.1.  Refer to the measurements in the diagram. Slide one spacer bar 

assembly onto each pair of uprights to connect them together. 
Attach the spacers 9” above the ground. Slide a moisture seal 
onto the top of each upright. 

4.2.  Connect a second upright to the top of the four positioned in the 

holes and slide a second spacer onto each side. Attach the spacer 
40” above the first. 

4.3.  Slide a third spacer bar onto each side and attach it 7” above the 

second spacer. 

4.4.  Slide a moisture seal onto the top of each upright and lift the roof 

section onto the uprights. Once it is attached securely slide the 
moisture seals up to cover the tube joins. 

4.5.  Check that all the measurements are correct and then fully 

tighten all the screws. 

4.6.  If you purchased the lattice infill it can be attached to the 

structure, between the horizontal spacers, using the ties provided. 

