Factors that influence the battery life
1. Backlight Timer: The longer time you set, the shorter the battery life it will be.
2. Display Brightness: The higher brightness level you set, the shorter the battery life it will be.
3. File Format and Size: The lossless format like OGG, APE and FLAC will significantly shorten the
battery life because it takes more time and battery power to deal with the files of these format.
4. Volume: Playing in high volume will to some extent shorten the playtime.
5. Operating Frequency: The system will be in high-load operation continuously when you
operate it frequently, which will lead to more power consumption.
6. Temperature: High or low temperature will directly influence the battery life, serious may lead
to the player unable to boot. Do not use the player immediate when brought from high
temperature environment to low temperature environment, or it can easily cause damage to it.
Tips: Battery life depends on on usage, setting and ambient temperature. Try to avoid the
operation described below which will significantly reduce the battery life:
1. Turn on and shut down AGPTEK-M6/M16 player frequently.
2. Change AGPTEK-M6/M16 player settings frequently.
3. Repeatedly charge and discharge the battery.Those operation will gradually reduce the battery
capacity and thus shorten the battery life. As a result, the battery may run out of power soon
after the battery is fully charged.