the lamp mode button, which is pushed to the top for the lights-normally-on mode, the middle for the
lights-on mode when the vehicle is moving, and the bottom for the lights-normally-off mode. S1 is the
accelerator button, which controls BUNKER MINI to move forward and backward; S2 controls the rotation,
and POWER is the power button. Press and hold at the same time to turn on the remote control. It should be
noted that SWA, SWB, SWC, and SWD need to be at the top when the remote control is turned on.
Control command and motion description
We establish the coordinate reference frame of the ground mobile vehicle according to the ISO 8855
standard as shown in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4 Schematic diagram of the vehicle body reference frame
As shown in 2.4, the BUNKER MINI body is parallel to the X-axis of the established reference frame.
In the remote control mode, the remote control joystick S1 moves in the positive direction of X when pushed
forward, and moves in the negative direction of X when pushed backward. When S1 is pushed to the
maximum value, the movement speed in the positive direction of X is the largest, and when pushed to the
minimum value, the movement speed in the negative direction of the X direction is the largest. The remote
control joystick S2 controls the rotation of the vehicle body left and right. When S2 is pushed to the left, the
vehicle body rotates from the positive direction of the X axis to the positive direction of the Y axis. When S2
is pushed to the right, the vehicle body rotates from the positive direction of the X axis to the negative
direction of the Y axis. When S2 is pushed to the left to the maximum value, the linear velocity of
counterclockwise rotation is the largest, and when it is pushed to the right to the maximum value, the linear
velocity of the clockwise rotation is the largest.
In the control command mode, the positive value of the linear velocity means moving in the positive direction of
the X-axis, and the negative value of the linear velocity means moving in the negative direction of the X-axis.
The positive value of the angular velocity means that the vehicle body moves from the positive direction of the
X-axis to the positive direction of the Y-axis, and the negative value of the angular velocity means that the
vehicle body moves from the positive direction of the X axis to the negative direction of the Y axis.