Agilent N8201A Performance Downconverter Synthetic Instrument Module, 3 Hz to 26.5 GHz
Using the Agilent Synthetic Instrument GUI
Sets the input attenuation. The input attenuation can be set from 0 to 70 dB in 2 dB
steps.The input impedance is set to 50 ohms. Input attenuation is used to minimize
compression caused by a signal level that is too high in amplitude.
Input RF
Accesses the functions to select the input signal source (choices are RF, 50 MHz Cal, or
External Mixer), enable a preamplifier, and to set the coupling to either AC or DC.
IF Output
Accesses the functions to set the IF Bandwidth and IF Frequency.
Reference Oscillator
Allows you to use either the internal or an external reference oscillator for making
Reference Output
Switches the 10 MHz out signal on the front panel of the N8201A performance
downconverter On and Off.
Reference Input Source
Specifies whether to use an External or Internal source for the reference oscillator. If set to
External, a value must be specified for External Frequency with limits from 1 MHz to
30 MHz.
Table 3
Grouped Values
IF Output
IF Bandwidth
IF Frequency
Input Impedance
IF Output 1
0 to 3 MHz
21.4 MHz
50 Ohm
IF Output 2
100 MHz
321.4 MHz
50 Ohm
IF Output 3
10 MHz
7.5 MHz
50 Ohm