Installation Note
Agilent Technologies E5346A 38-Pin Probe and E5351A 38-Pin Adapter Cable
The following characteristics apply to the combination of the E5346A
38-pin probe and any compatible Agilent state and timing analysis
module (16557D, 16710A, 16711A, 16712A, 16715A, 16716A, 16717A,
16718A, 16719A, 16750A, 16751A, or 16752A).
The following equivalent probe load diagram includes the logic
analyzer and 38-pin MICTOR connector.
Equivalent probe load
Input resistance and capacitance
See equivalent probe load diagram
Minimum voltage swing
500 mV p-p
Minimum input overdrive
250 mV
Threshold range
-6 V to +6 V in 10 mV increments
Input dynamic range
+/-10 V about threshold
Maximum input voltage
+/-40 V peak