S:\Hp8960\E1960A GSM Mobile Test Application\A.04 Release\Reference_Manual\Chapters\ts_err_msg_neg100.fm
-100 to -199 Command Errors
-100 to -199 Command Errors
A command error indicates that the test set’s GPIB parser has detected an IEEE 488.2 syntax error.
When one of these errors is generated, the command error bit in the event status register is set.
Error Message
-100 Command error
This event bit (Bit 5) indicates a syntax error, or a
semantic error, or a GET command was entered, see
IEEE 488.2,
-101 Invalid character
Indicates a syntactic elements contains a character
which is invalid for that type.
-102 Syntax error
Indicates that an unrecognized command or data type
was encountered. For example, a string was received
when the device does not accept strings.
-103 Invalid separator
The parser was expecting a separator and encountered
an illegal character. For example, the semicolon was
omitted after a program message unit.
-104 Data type error
The parser recognized a data element different than
one allowed. For example, numeric or string data was
expected but block data was encountered.
-105 Get not allowed
Indicates a Group Execute Trigger was received within
a program message. Correct the program so that the
GET does not occur within the program code.
-108 Parameter not allowed
Indicates that more parameters were received than
expected for the header. For example, *ESE common
command only accepts one parameter, so *ESE 0,1 is
not allowed.
-109 Missing parameter
Indicates that less parameters were received than
required for the header. For example, *ESE requires
one parameter, *ESE is not allowed.
-110 Command header error
Indicates an error was detected in the header. This
error is used when the device cannot detect the more
specific errors -111 through -119.
-111 Header separator error
Indicates that a character that is not a legal header
separator was encountered while parsing the header.
-112 Program mnemonic too long
Indicates that the header contains more that twelve
characters, see IEEE 488.2,
Summary of Contents for 8960 Series 10
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