1145A 2-Channel Active Probe
If you installed a new board or cable assembly, set all the adjustments
(expect COMP) to the clockwise position. If you are tweaking the
adjustments, you can set them to the clockwise position or leave them
where they were last set.
Adjust GAIN for a flat pulse.
If you turn on the DeltaV marker, you can use it as a reference for a flat line.
Change the pulse generator to 50-µs period and change the scope to
5 µs/div.
Adjust COMP for flat pulse.
Again, you can use the DeltaV marker as a reference for a flat line.
Change the pulse generator to a 50-ns period and change the scope to
1 ns/div. Adjust the scope’s delay to position the pulse edge 2.5 ns from
the left hand edge of the screen.