Product Complaints
Any health care professional (for example a customer or a user) who has any
complaints or has experienced any dissatisfaction with the quality, durability,
reliability, safety, effectiveness, or performance of this product must notify
For a patient/user/third party in the European Union and in countries with
identical regulatory regimes (Regulation 2017/745/EU on Medical Devices);
if, during the use of this device or as a result of its use, a serious incident has
occurred, please report it to the manufacturer and/or its authorised
representative and to your national authority.
Contact address:
Agfa Service Support - local support addresses and phone numbers are listed
on www.agfa.com
Agfa - Septestraat 27, 2640 Mortsel, Belgium
Agfa - Fax +32 3 444 7094
| XD 10, XD
10 | Introduction to the DR Detector
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