AGFA DuoScan T2500 Owner'S Manual Download Page 27

C h a p t e r   2   —   I n s t a l l i n g   t h e   S c a n n e r 


Installation for the PC

T h i s  s e c t i o n  s h o w s  y o u  h o w  t o  s e t  u p  y o u r  D u o S c a n  T 2 5 0 0  w i t h  y o u r  P C .  Y o u 
c a n  f i n d  i n f o r m a t i o n  o n  w h i c h  S C S I  i n t e r f a c e  c a r d  t o  u s e ,  i n s t r u c t i o n s  f o r 
c o n n e c t i n g  t h e  s c a n n e r  t o  y o u r  P C  a n d  i n s t r u c t i o n s  f o r  t e s t i n g  t h e  s c a n n e r  a n d 
t h e  c o n n e c t i o n . 


W h i c h  S C S I  I n t e r f a c e  C a r d 


C h o o s i n g  a  S C S I  I D  N u m b e r 


C o n n e c t i n g  t h e  S c a n n e r 


T e s t i n g  t h e  S c a n n e r  a n d  t h e  C o n n e c t i o n 

Which SCSI Interface Card

D u o S c a n  T 2 5 0 0  r e q u i r e s  a  S C S I  i n t e r f a c e  c a r d  t o  w o r k  w i t h  y o u r  P C  o r 
c o m p a t i b l e  c o m p u t e r .  I f  y o u r  P C  d o e s  n o t  h a v e  s u c h  a  c a r d  o r  b u i l t - i n  i n t e r f a c e , 
c o n t a c t  y o u r  d e a l e r . 

T h e  s c a n n e r  s o f t w a r e  s u p p l i e d  w i t h  D u o S c a n  T 2 5 0 0  s u p p o r t s  W I N A S P I - 
c o m p a t i b l e  S C S I  i n t e r f a c e  c a r d s . 


N o t e :  P l e a s e  c h e c k  t h e  f o l l o w i n g  d o c u m e n t a t i o n : 


T h e  R e a d  M e  f i l e  o n  t h e  P C  s c a n n e r  d r i v e r  s o f t w a r e  d i s k  f o r  u p - t o - d a t e 

i n f o r m a t i o n . 


T h e  d o c u m e n t a t i o n  s u p p l i e d  w i t h  y o u r  i n t e r f a c e  c a r d .  T h i s  w i l l  t e l l  y o u 

h o w  t o  i n s t a l l  t h e  c a r d . 

Choosing a SCSI ID Number

B e f o r e  y o u  c o n n e c t  y o u r  D u o S c a n  H i D  t o  y o u r  P C ,  y o u  h a v e  t o  f i n d  o u t  w h i c h 
S C S I  I D  n u m b e r s  a r e  a l r e a d y  a s s i g n e d  a n d  w h i c h  n u m b e r s  a r e  f r e e .  T o  d o  t h i s , 
y o u  c a n  u s e  a  W i n d o w s  u t i l i t y  t h a t  i s  u s u a l l y  b u n d l e d  w i t h  y o u r  S C S I  i n t e r f a c e 
c a r d . 

1 .  

O p e n  t h e  S C S I  I D  u t i l i t y  s u p p l i e d  w i t h  y o u r  S C S I  I D  c a r d . 

Y o u r  P C  S C S I  c a r d  m o s t l y  o c c u p i e s  I D  7 . 


N o t e :  F o r  m o r e  i n f o r m a t i o n  r e f e r  t o  t h e  S C S I  I D  c a r d  d o c u m e n t a t i o n . 

2 .  

C h e c k  i f  S C S I  I D  n u m b e r  2  i s  f r e e . 

Y o u r  D u o S c a n  H i D  i s  p r e s e t  t o  I D  2 . 

Summary of Contents for DuoScan T2500

Page 1: ...2500 for the Apple Macintosh and PC Chapter 3 Placing your Originals This chapter shows you how to place your originals in your DuoScan T2500 Appendix A Troubleshooting This appendix can be helpful when you come across problems that you are unable to solve Appendix B Technical Information This appendix provides specifications of your DuoScan T2500 Appendix C DuoScan T2500 Regulation Compliance Thi...

Page 2: Corporation Power Macintosh and System 8 are trademarks and Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer Incorporated Windows Windows NT and the Windows logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation Other products or company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders Copyright 1999 Agfa Gevaert N V All rights reserved Al...

Page 3: ...pple Macintosh 18 Which SCSI Interface Card 18 Choosing a SCSI ID Number 18 Connecting the Scanner 20 Testing the Scanner and the Connection 25 Installation for the PC 27 Which SCSI Interface Card 27 Choosing a SCSI ID Number 27 Connecting the Scanner 28 Testing the Scanner and the Connection 38 C h ap t e r 3 P lacin g yo u r O rig in als 3 9 Placing Reflective Originals 39 Scanning an Original i...

Page 4: ... o S can T 2 5 0 0 R e g u lat io n C o mp lian ce 5 5 Safety Regulations 55 UL Safety Statement 55 FTZ Bescheinigung des Herstellers Importeurs 55 TÜV Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise 55 Electromagnetic Compatibility 56 Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement 56 Canadian Department of Communications 57 ...

Page 5: ...nt optical path to scan transparent originals This allows the scanner to optimize the optical path for both types of originals The dual lens system of the DuoScan T2500 offers you the possibility to scan in either high resolution at 2500 dpi or in standard resolution at 1250 dpi The size of the scan area depends on the resolution type and the mode that you are scanning in Reflective Mode Transpare...

Page 6: ...o keep your originals in place on the universal glass plate three single slide holders are supplied with your DuoScan T2500 To facilitate the scanning of thick originals like magazines and books the document cover adjusts automatically to the thickness of the original If necessary you can remove the document cover of the DuoScan T2500 completely by lifting it The originals can be of any type The F...

Page 7: ... anner 7 Chapter 1 Preparing the Scanner This chapter assists you in preparing your DuoScan T2500 for installation You will find instructions for Unpacking the Scanner Unlocking the Scanner Locking the Scanner Taking a Closer Look ...

Page 8: ...the presentation layer Only when you register you can claim your garantuee and get information on new products and upgrades Unlocking the Scanner The scanner s optical carriage contains all optical components and rides back and forth during the scan An unlocking screw at the rear of your DuoScan T2500 holds the carriage in place during shipment You have to loosen the screw before you can operate t...

Page 9: ...nner is powered off 2 Set the SCSI ID switch to SCSI ID number 9 If you do not know how to do this refer to Choosing a SCSI ID Number 3 Switch on your scanner The scanner s optical assembly moves to its home position 4 When the busy indicators stop blinking take a coin and turn the screw a quarter clockwise in the lock position The screw is tightened your scanner is locked 5 Switch off your scanne...

Page 10: ...come familiar with its parts The figure illustrates the locations of the different parts of your DuoScan T2500 1 reflective glass plate 2 adjustable document cover 3 transparency tray 4 busy indicator for transparency scanning 5 busy indicator for reflective scanning 6 power indicator green light 7 power switch 8 rulers ...

Page 11: ...e Sc anner 11 The following figure illustrates the location of the different parts at the rear of your scanner 1 SCSI ID switch 2 internal terminator switch 3 50 pin connector 4 25 pin connector 5 power input 6 unlocking screw ...

Page 12: ...Chapt er 1 Preparing t he Sc anner 12 Four batch slide holders 4 x 5 inch 6 x 9 cm 35 mm framed and 35 mm strips and a universal glass plate ...

Page 13: ... and Software Requirements Environmental Requirements Precautions Cleaning your Scanner Installation of the Software SCSI Devices Installation for the Apple Macintosh Which SCSI Interface card Choosing a SCSI ID Number Connecting the Scanner Testing the Scanner and the Connection Installation for the PC Which SCSI Interface Card Choosing a SCSI ID Number Connecting the Scanner Testing the Scanner ...

Page 14: ...olors o 32 MB of RAM 64 MB of RAM is recommended o FotoLook is compatible with all IBM PC s and compatibles capable of running Windows 95 Windows 98 or NT 4 0 for Intel platforms o An ASPI compatible SCSI card In general FotoLook supports all fully WINASPI compatible cards Some SCSI cards require a special SCSI cable e g wide SCSI Contact your supplier for the proper cable v Note Please read the i...

Page 15: ...ervice representative Precautions For your own safety and that of your equipment respect conscientiously the Environmental Requirements and always take the following precautions Caution For the reason of safety besides the personal maintenance mentioned in this owner s guide do not try to remove any mechanical parts or any electronic devices If your scanner needs service our dealer and service off...

Page 16: ... safety reasons never use extension cables for power cords Cleaning your Scanner n In order to maintain the quality of your scanned images regularly clean both glass plates the reflective glass plate and the universal glass plate n Before cleaning switch off the power to the scanner and unplug the cable n Use a damp cloth and a mild detergent or alcohol to clean the surface of the glass plate n Wh...

Page 17: ... always make sure that your computer and all SCSI devices are switched off If either the computer or any of the devices remains on you could damage the computer or the device A unique SCSI ID number is assigned to each device in the SCSI chain enabling your computer to identify the device it wants to communicate with and the priority of each device Caution If two SCSI devices have the same ID numb...

Page 18: ...not have such a card or built in interface contact your dealer Adaptec products are recommended to use together with your DuoScan T1200 v Note If you use an external SCSI card consult the documentation supplied with your interface card This will tell you how to install the card Choosing a SCSI ID Number Before you connect your DuoScan T2500 to your Macintosh you have to find out which SCSI ID numb...

Page 19: ...ur DuoScan T2500 is preset to ID 2 3 If SCSI ID number 2 is free go to instruction 4 or If SCSI ID number 2 is already assigned you need to set the scanner to a free SCSI ID number o Make sure that your scanner is switched off and that it is disconnected from your computer o Decide on an unassigned SCSI ID number o Use the SCSI ID switch at the rear of the scanner to set the desired SCSI ID o Push...

Page 20: ...e switched off A SCSI cable is supplied with your scanner Caution For safety reasons never use extension cables for power cables Always make sure that there is no more than one terminator in your SCSI chain and that it is placed at the end of the chain Some SCSI devices have built in terminators and must therefore be placed at the end of your SCSI chain Please check the documentation of each of yo...

Page 21: be switched on or off you do not need to use an external terminator When the terminator switch is pointing downwards the internal terminator is off Terminator switch in the off position When the terminator switch is pointing upwards the internal terminator is on Terminator switch in the on position ...

Page 22: ...ect the smaller 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of your Apple Macintosh 2 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 3 Connect the larger 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of your scanner 4 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 5 Switch on the internal terminator ...

Page 23: ... switch off the terminator from the last device in the SCSI chain 2 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector that has become available on this device 3 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 4 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the scanner 5 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 6 Switch on the i...

Page 24: ...onnector of the next device in the SCSI chain 2 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 3 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the scanner 4 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 5 Switch off the internal terminator 6 Make sure that the last device in the chain is terminated ...

Page 25: ...ighten the connector screws to secure the connection 7 Switch off the internal terminator of the scanner 8 Make sure that the last device in the chain is terminated Testing the Scanner and the Connection You are now ready to check if the scanner is operating properly and if the devices are correctly connected to your Macintosh Caution Check if the scanner is properly unlocked 1 Connect the power c...

Page 26: ...on If a malfunction is detected during the self test that is if the busy indicators remain blinking or go off refer to Appendix A Troubleshooting 4 Switch on any other SCSI device you may have attached and wait for it to start up 5 Switch on your Macintosh As it starts up your Macintosh performs a series of tests to verify the correct system configuration 6 Open the SCSI ID Checker 7 Verify whethe...

Page 27: ... scanner software supplied with DuoScan T2500 supports WINASPI compatible SCSI interface cards v Note Please check the following documentation o The Read Me file on the PC scanner driver software disk for up to date information o The documentation supplied with your interface card This will tell you how to install the card Choosing a SCSI ID Number Before you connect your DuoScan HiD to your PC yo...

Page 28: ...ner to your computer Before you connect the scanner to your PC make sure that your scanner as well as your PC and everything connected to it are switched off A SCSI cable is supplied with your scanner C au t io n For safety reasons never use extension cables for power cords Always make sure that there are no more than two terminators in your SCSI chain one at the beginning and one at the end Some ...

Page 29: be switched on or off you do not need to use an external terminator When the terminator switch is pointing downwards the internal terminator is off Terminator switch in the off position When the terminator switch is pointing upwards the internal terminator is on Terminator switch in the on position ...

Page 30: ...tomatically do not forget to disable the termination of the host adapter Refer to your computer documentation for more information 1 Set the scanner to an unused SCSI ID number between 0 and 6 For more information refer to Choosing a SCSI ID Number 2 Connect the smaller 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of your PC 3 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 4 Connect the la...

Page 31: ... 6 For more information refer to Choosing a SCSI ID Number 2 Remove or switch off the terminator from the last device in the SCSI chain 3 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector that has become available on this device 4 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 5 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the scanner 6 T...

Page 32: ... Number 2 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the next device in the SCSI chain 3 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 4 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the scanner 5 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 6 Switch off the internal terminator 7 Make sure that the last device in the ch...

Page 33: ...he free end of this SCSI cable to the scanner 4 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable the one supplied with your scanner to the other adjacent SCSI device 5 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 6 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable the one supplied with your scanner to the scanner 7 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 8 Switch...

Page 34: your computer documentation for more information 1 Set the scanner to an unused SCSI ID number between 0 and 6 For more information refer to Choosing a SCSI ID Number 2 Connect the larger 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector at the rear of your PC Use the SCSI cable supplied with the scanner 3 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 4 Connect ...

Page 35: ... 6 For more information refer to Choosing a SCSI ID Number 2 Remove or switch off the terminator from the last device in the SCSI chain 3 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector that has become available on this device 4 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 5 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the scanner 6 T...

Page 36: ...ctor of the next device in the SCSI chain Use the cable supplied with the scanner Note If you do not have the appropriate cable contact your dealer for a specific cable 3 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 4 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable to the connector of the scanner 5 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 6 Switch off th...

Page 37: ...le to the scanner 4 Connect the 50 pin end of the SCSI cable the one supplied with your scanner to the other adjacent SCSI device 5 Snap the diamond shaped wire clips into the clip brackets to secure the connection 6 Connect the 25 pin end of the SCSI cable the one supplied with your scanner to the scanner 7 Tighten the connector screws to secure the connection 8 Switch off the internal terminator...

Page 38: ...dicator light green switches on and the ready indicator lights yellow start blinking After the self test the scanner s power indicator light switches on 4 Switch on any other SCSI devices you may have attached and wait for them to start up 5 Switch on your PC 6 Check if the scanner is present For Windows 95 98 1 Right click My Computer 2 Select properties 3 Select the Device Manager tab Agfa Scann...

Page 39: ... directly on the scanner s glass plate When you want to scan your originals in high resolution output make sure that you place them in the high resolution area indicated by the high resolution mark on the front ruler Scanning an Original in Standard Resolution Output 1 Open the document cover of the scanner 2 Center the original face down on the glass plate with the top side against the middle of ...

Page 40: ... guaranteed for the entire scan area 3 Close the document cover of the scanner Note The removable document cover makes it possible to scan from books and magazines When you put a thick original on the reflective glass plate the document cover adjusts automatically to the thickness of the original If necessary you can remove the document cover completely by lifting it Scanning an Original in High R...

Page 41: ...Chapt er 3 Plac ing y our Originals 41 Note The image quality with high resolution scanning is best in the center of the high resolution scan area 3 Close the document cover of the scanner ...

Page 42: tray To ensure correct positioning of the universal glass plate within the transparency tray follow these instructions Caution Never grab the transparency tray to lift the scanner 1 Take the universal glass plate with the two notches facing the rear and slide it to the back of the transparency tray 2 Push the universal glass plate all the way in against the light spring pressure at the back of ...

Page 43: ...e original with one of the single slide holders or with adhesive tape 2 Put the universal glass plate into the transparency tray with the calibration slit to the front of the scanner Note The holders can only be put into the transparency tray with the calibration slits to the front of the scanner You can also check this in another way the side with the two little grooves has to be inserted first b...

Page 44: ... the original face down on the universal glass plate so that its top side is directed towards the calibration slit This position guarantees the best quality 3 Fix the single slide holder on the universal glass plate by pushing it firmly down The rear of the holder has a glass adhesive strip so the frame is secured to the glass The holder can still be removed easily 4 Put the universal glass plate ...

Page 45: ...ies in high resolution output is almost identical to the scanning of originals in standard resolution output The only difference is that for high resolution scanning you have to place the originals in the high resolution area 1 35 mm single slide holder 2 6 x 6 cm single slide holder 3 4 x 5 inch single slide holder ...

Page 46: ...nt types of batch slide holders with your DuoScan T2500 which you have to put into the transparency tray With the batch slide holders many combinations are possible n 4 x 5 inch batch slide holder n 6 x 9 cm batch slide holder n 35 mm framed batch slide holder n 35 mm strip slide holder ...

Page 47: ...ides at the time Once loaded you put the holder into the transparency tray 1 Put your original face down in the 35 mm framed batch slide holder Make sure that you put the originals that you want to scan in high resolution output in the high resolution area 2 Put the batch slide holder into the transparency tray of the scanner ...

Page 48: ...ncy tray 1 Put your strip with originals face down in the 35 mm strip slide holder Make sure that you put the originals that you want to scan in high resolution output in the high resolution area 2 Match the fog area between two negatives with the arrow mark on the holder 3 Close the lid and slide it sideways Your originals are correctly positioned for scanning ...

Page 49: ... our Originals 49 Note If your originals are not properly positioned you can still adjust the strip by sliding the closed lid in the required direction 4 Put the batch slide holder into the transparency tray of the scanner ...

Page 50: ...tch slide holder Make sure that you put the originals that you want to scan in high resolution output in the high resolution area Figure of 6 x 9 cm batch slide holder You can fit the slide frame to your original 6 x 6 cm 6 x 7 cm 6 x 8 cm 6 x 9 cm by adjusting the sliding edge Adjusting the sliding edge before placing the originals results in sharper images because the sliding edge prevents the o...

Page 51: and unlock properly or call your service representative One of the busy indicator lights yellow on the scanner s operating panel remains blinking or goes off after the power up sequence about half a minute n A malfunction has been detected by the scanner n Check if you have unlocked the scanner If this cannot be the problem please contact your dealer or Agfa service representative The workstati...

Page 52: ...entify the device that causes the problem Check if your terminator switch has been set correctly and restart your workstation n Make sure that your devices have different SCSI numbers If there are devices with the same number assign a different number to each device The scanner reports errors during scanning Apple Macintosh n Check whether the terminator switch is in the correct position If this d...

Page 53: ...on Standard resolution 2500 dpi vertical x 1250 dpi horizontal High resolution 2500dpi x 2500dpi Output resolution 20 4000 ppi A D Conversion 36 bit 12 bit per color Output pixel depth 1 bit output for line art black and white 8 or 12 bit output for gray 24 or 36 bit output for color Density range 3 4 D Scanning speed Standard resolution TX and RX color 14 16 ms line High resolution Tx and RX colo...

Page 54: ...x 14 inch transparency mode 102 x 305 mm 4 x 12 inch Memory 2 MB RAM Reflection scanner lamp 2 x cold cathode 6000 hr lifetime 6W Transparency lamp Cold cathode 6000 hr lifetime 6W Warm up time Approximately 35 seconds 180 seconds to reach final image quality Power supply 100 V to 240 V 47 63 Hz Power consumption 40 W Dimensions 437 x 232 x 655 mm Weight 24 kg Acoustic noise 55 dB in continuous mo...

Page 55: ...Appendix B Tec hnic al I nf ormat ion 55 Environment Operating temperature 10 C to 40 C 50 F to 104 F Relative humidity 10 to 85 ...

Page 56: ...eurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt dass der Image Scanner in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der vgf 1046 1984 funk entstört ist Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde das inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeraumt TÜV Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise n Bitte Lesen Sie sich diese Hinweise sorgfältig durch n Um eine Beschädigu...

Page 57: has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a residential installation This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the i...

Page 58: ...mission limits Canadian Department of Communications This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications Le présent appareil numérique n émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe B prescri...
