Repair and Service
Adjustments and Calibrations
The controlled version of this document resides on MedNet. Any printed copy of this document is uncontrolled.
Resistor Check
To be done
Whenever film stripes in the film run direction seem to be caused by a defective
Thermal Print Head.
Magnifying glass 8x, order number*: CM+9 9579 9904 0
* The last digit in the spare part number indicates the spare part revision at release of
this document. When ordering, the actual revision of the spare part is delivered.
15 minutes
With the resistor check it is possible to check if line artifacts are caused by an
electrical problem or by dirt on the thermal head. If the resistor check fails it’s not
necessary to perform a dry cleaning: The Print Head can be replaced right away.
The resistor check is performed in 2 (or more) steps:
1) A rough resistor measurement of all the resistor values. If large resistor drifts
show up, a message will show up to replace the Print Head.
2) A fine resistor measurement in one of 44 predefined areas of the image (see
Figure 22): The Service Engineer can enter this area at the printer, where he
suspects a defective resistor due to a line in print direction. If certain resistor
values in this specified region are out of range, a message will show up to
replace the Print Head.
3) This fine resistor measurement can be repeated for each suspected area.
(1) Go to the:
Browser service menu: 7 Service Actions - 6 Resistor Check
Local keypad key-operator menu: 7 Service Actions - 5 Resistor Check
(2) Follow the instructions on the screen.
Figure 22: Print Head resistor check test film
Edition 1, Revision 1
Chapter 3.6 / 35
05-2009 Type
Agfa Company Confidential