Fixed DR Detector (Pixium RF4343 FL) Exposure Sequence
For using the fixed DR Detector, the temperature difference between
calibration and usage must be within the recommended range of +/-6°C.
Check the environmental conditions and observe the warming-up time of the
DR Detector.
Modality Settings
The indicative exposure levels for each exposure are specified by the DR
Calibration Tool.
Table 13: Modality settings
large focus
130 cm
No grid is used.
The X-ray tube must be centered on the DR detector. Check the
position using the collimator light, before the filter is mounted.
Mount the Agfa calibration filter (Cu 1.5 mm). Check that
there is no additional filtration.
Collimation Maximum collimation area
If the exposure settings used for a previous calibration are
known, use these settings.
On modalities that support automatic collimation, the collimation settings are
applied automatically and must be checked by the user.
The collimator may limit the X-ray field. To overrule the limitation, the
collimator must be set to manual collimation using the positioning controls in
the software console and the collimation must be applied manually.
Exposure Sequence
Allow the DR Detector to warm up for 4 hours before performing the
calibration. During warm-up no exposures should be made.
DR Detector Calibration | Calibrating the DR Detector |
0134I EN 20210924 1204