Advanced Operation (key-operator mode)
The printer features the following functions on the main menu level of the
Key-operator mode:
Menu item
Stop printing
To halt the printing procedure
Show settings
To consult the current settings of the printer.
Change settings
To change the current settings of the printer.
Print Image
To print one of the standard test images. To load and
print images from a CF-card.
Save configuration
To make a back-up of the printer settings.
Restore configura-
To restore the back-up of the printer settings.
To calibrate the printer.
To install the software with the installation wizard.
Quality control
To control with a daily procedure the image quality
respectively of general radiography & mammogra-
phy (optional) applications.
Quality control for general radiography applications
Quality control for mammography application
| Drystar 5500, Drystar 5503 | Advanced Operation (key-operator mode)
2901J EN 20191018 0826