Therefore, we shall have:
Red wire goes to pin 1 Red wire goes to pin 6
White wire goes to pin 2 or White wire goes to pin 7
Green wire goes to pin 3
Green wire goes to pin 8
Black wire goes to pin 4 Black wire goes to pin 9
Comparing the default wire setting on the Internal USB cable, no wire reassignment is
necessary. We can plug in the black pin connector of Internal USB cable to the USB
header directly, with red wire goes to pin 1 or 6.
Please note that your motherboard USB header pin assignment could be different from
the example above. If you need to reassign wires on Internal USB cable, please
follow the procedure below:
(1) Determine which wires you need to remove from the
black pin connectors first by referring to your motherboard
USB header pin layout.
(2) Using a needle or push pin to flip up the tiny plastic tab
and pull the wire out from the connector. Please take caution
on this step as excessive force on flipping the tab may cause
the tab to break.
(3) Repeat above step for each wire that requires changing.
(4) Insert the wire pin back into the correct slot and press the
tiny plastic tab down will hold the wire in its position.