AES 7058E RF Subscriber Unit -- Installation and Operation Manual
AES Corporation
P/N 40-7058E Rev 2.1 11/11/2014
► Initializing the Subscriber Unit
Having programmed the unit, you are now ready for a final check.
Plug in the handheld programmer if available. Push the Reset
button on the controller board
(See Diagram on Page 1). At this point, the message on the
programmer should read:
SUB [rev#] 7058E
ID#:NNNN (C) [date] AES
If a "Fail" error message other than 001, 100 or 101 is displayed,
push the reset button. If the error persists, refer to page 4, which
contains a list of “Status Error Codes”.
The status lights indicate the progression as the subscriber unit
goes on the air and attempts to enroll into the network.
Network log on process after a reset:
STATUS INDICATOR LED's RX, TX and WA lights come on
briefly, testing the LED's.
RX comes on during loop back test (a self test).
TX comes on sending a "Receiver Not in Service" message -
AL + WA blink at different but steady rates.
TX comes on as unit transmits a "Request for Reply".
WA stops flashing after 15-30 seconds if one or more
subscriber units reply to the "Request", (otherwise the WA
continues to flash, indicating the unit is not on the network yet).
TX comes on (if WA stops flashing) to send first message.
AL blinks at a steady rate, indicating a normal condition.
When the unit receives a valid acknowledgment, the WA light
turns off. This indicates that the reset subscriber unit is now on
the network.
IMPORTANT NOTE: A flashing WA light (blinking at a
steady rate) indicates that the subscriber has NOT linked
itself into the network.
If enrollment fails, check antenna, all cables and connectors;
be sure that correct system cipher was programmed in to the
unit. Once enrolled you can continue with Local Status Check
and then Additional Testing.
► Additional Testing
Before leaving the installation site, you want to test that the
expected signals are properly getting to the monitoring system.
Perform at least the tests below and confirm that the monitoring
system and their personnel properly received the correct
messages and understand what they mean.
Installation Site Checks
Some of the tests to be performed at the installation site require
a response from a Central Station person.
Have a knowledgeable person Request Status and other test
functions available in the AES Net7000 or IPCtrl program to
confirm that they are satisfied the 7058E is communicating
Trigger alarm conditions and confirm that the proper
message is received at the Central Station.
Cause fault conditions and confirm that the proper message
is received at the Central Station.
Central Receiver Status Checks
Perform testing from the central station using the AES Net7000
or IPCtrl software to determine adequate signal strength, quick
reception of messages and acceptable routing. Refer to separate
Net7000 or MultiNet software manuals for use of testing
Programming the Subscriber Unit from a PC
In place of a handheld terminal, a cable adapter kit #7043
may be ordered from AES to link the 7058E to your
computer’s serial port. Use a terminal program like Hyper-
Terminal or Telix to send keystrokes to and display output
from the programming port of the 7058E.
Communications Parameters:
4800 baud, NO parity, 8 data
bits, 1 stop bit, RTS/CTS Flow control OFF
Key output on a PC differs from that of a 7041 Hand-Held
Programmer. See chart below
Handheld HH Programmer Key equivalents to PC Keyboard:
SHIFT F1 = a
CTRL-F1 = f
SHIFT F2 = b
CTRL-F2 = g
SHIFT F3 = c
CTRL-F3 = h
SHIFT F4 = d
CTRL-F4 = i
SHIFT F5 = e
CTRL-F5 = j
When entering Hex numbers, use uppercase, i.e., "9A" not
If possible, set terminal program for destructive backspace"
so that backspace will erase the deleted character from the
If nothing is sent or received by the subscriber, make sure
the program is set to the correct COM port.
If the subscriber receives characters, but nothing can be
sent, make sure the CTS/RTS flow control is OFF, and that
the cable is OK.
Notes on Central Receiver Compatibility
The 7058E Subscriber Unit is fully compatible with AES
Version 1.70 Central Receiver and up.
A receiver
manufactured or updated after July 1997 usually complies
with this requirement.
Contact AES if your receiver is pre-
1.70 for upgrade options. When “Fire” or “Inverted Fire” is
enabled, the unit generates a specific packet type for reporting
“Trouble”. “Trouble” data within this packet can only be
received on version 1.70 and newer receivers. You must
answer Y to Fire or Inverted Fire under Zone Programming for
“Trouble” messages to be properly processed.
Local Status Check
This function performs a quick diagnostic check, whenever it is
initiated. Use the handheld programmer: press SHIFT+F4. The
following message appears:
SUB [rev#] 7058E
Top Line:
Indicates Subscriber model and firmware revision
4 digit ID number programmed into this unit.
Indicates Copyright year.
Route #1, ID of the top of the routing table. If XXXX
appears, the unit is not on the network.
Subscriber unit “level” or “link layer”, which indicates
how many expected “hops” to the central station. A unit level =
255 indicates that unit is not on network yet..
001 = Low Battery, 100 = AC Fail Etc.
Internal rating used in the automatic positioning of
this unit in the network. The normal range is:0, 5, 6, or 7. Note
that while 5 is better, any NetCon from 0 to 6 is OK. 7 may
indicate a problem with this unit or a unit in its path to the central
A NetCon of 5 indicates at least 2 unique paths to the central.