Aeropro CZ - A240 - Pilot Operating Handbook and Flight Training Supplement
September 1, 2014
Approach in the slip configuration
If a high descent rate is required on final, we recommend conducting a slip maneuver. Always avoid
pushing the control stick forward too far, as this will cause higher airspeeds and result in a missed
approach. Hold an attitude that will maintain 65 to 75 mph during the slip. Ensure the airspeed does
not fall below a minimum safe airspeed of 60 mph during the slip.
Conducting an approach in the slip configuration will not require special skills; nevertheless, if not yet
familiar with the aircraft we recommend initially conducting this exercise only when accompanied by an
experienced flight instructor.
Touch down
Touch down under normal conditions
The A240 has very good low speed characteristics and so is very controllable all the way through the
landing phase.
It is important to establish a safe and stable airspeed during the approach. The most common
problem transitioning pilots have is to over-control the aircraft. Often a lighter touch than expected is
required to ensure a smooth touchdown.
Touch down in tailwind conditions
The touch down when tailwinds are present, does not require different procedures to that of normal
conditions. You have to keep in mind, however, that landing distances will increase due to a higher
ground speed.
Approach in crosswind conditions
Crosswinds will not have a big effect to the landing characteristics on the A240 as long as wind speed
is within the maximum crosswind speed up to 17 mph (15 kts).