AEROPRAKT-22LS Pilot Operating Handbook
5.10 Cruise
1. Flight altitude
– OCCUPY and monitor, in strong turbulence – at least 100 m (300 ft).
2. Cruise speed
– SET, in strong turbulence – minimum 100 km/h (62 mph, 54 kts),
maximum 168 km/h (104 mph, 90 kts).
3. Elevator trim tab
– ADJUST as required.
4. Fuel level
5. Fuel valves
6. Turns
– perform with caution in strong turbulence and at low altitudes.
5.11 Approach
1. Speed
– REDUCE below 148 km/h (92 mph, 80 kts), minimum 100 km/h (62 mph, 54 kts).
2. Flaps
– EXTEND position 1. Wind stronger 8 m/s (16 kts) – FLAPS UP.
3. Elevator trim tab
– ADJUST as required.
4. Approach speed on final
– 100 km/h (62 mph, 54 kts), +10 km/h (6 mph, 5 kts) in rain or
strong turbulence.
5. Too high on final
– REDUCE RPM to idle, SLIP if necessary.
6. Too low on final
DO NOT RETRACT FLAPS when flying low over
high obstacles or close to the ground!
5.12 Normal landing
1. Direction
– ALIGN the airplane WITH THE RUNWAY using rudder pedals.
2. Side drift
– ELIMINATE by banking against the drift (crosswind, if any).
3. Flare
– start at 5 m (15 ft), level off at approximately 0.3 m (1 ft).
Gradually reduce bank and side drift while flaring and leveling off.
4. Throttle
5. Touchdown
– at minimum speed. In cross-wind conditions – maintain banking into wind
till touching the runway with one of the wheels.
Avoid touching ground with the tail.
6. Yoke (Stick)
– HOLD to reduce the speed and PUSH gently to lower the nose wheel
– set NEUTRAL before touching ground with the nose wheel (in cross-wind
7. Brakes
– ENGAGE as required.
Avoid braking at a high speed or with nose wheel up!
8. Flaps