Slow Blue blink
Pair/inclusion mode activate
Fast Amber blink
Unpair/exclusion mode active
Red blinking
Unplugged, RESET
button held
Indicates that it has entered factory reset mode. Will only reset if
RESET button is held for a full 20 seconds (followed by the
confirmation LED indicator).
Factory reset does not happen if released earlier than 20 seconds.
Solid blue for 2
Confirmation of success/communication for pair, unpair, or factory
Solid Amber
Solid Green
Plugged into USB
Normal activity
Amber LED
= Charging battery
Green LED
= Fully charged
Blue Flash
Plugged into USB
Indicates that Z-Stick Gen5 has communicated a Z-Wave
Z-Stick Gen5+ compared to Z-Stick Gen5
There are subtle differences between Z-Stick Gen5+ and Z-Stick Gen5, you can learn more by reading the table
at this page:
Important safety information
Please read this and other device guides carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations set forth by Aeotec
Limited may be dangerous or cause a violation of the law. The manufacturer, importer, distributor, and/or reseller
will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from not following any instructions in this guide or in
other materials.
Keep product and batteries away from open flames and extreme heat. Avoid direct sun light or heat exposure.
Improper battery use may damage the product.
Z-Stick Gen5 is intended for indoor use in dry locations only. Do not use in damp, moist, and / or wet locations.
Quick start
Z-Stick operates in 2 different modes: Network management, Serial connection. Network management is enabled
when the Z-Stick Gen5+ is unplugged from USB. Serial connection allows you to interface the Z-Stick Gen5+ to any
third party software allowing virtual connection via COM ports or CDC ACM connection.
To quickly get started, please follow our