Quick Tester Model 8505
Connect the alligator clip to one terminal of the secondary and touch
the other terminal with the probe. The secondary coil terminals are
labeled X1, X2, and (for transformers with center-tapped terminals)
X3. If the secondary is not center-tapped, test across X1 and X2. If it
is center-tapped, also test across X1 and X3, and X2 and X3.
In each test, if the coil is functioning the green Transformer (T) PASS
light blinks and the buzzer sounds. (Note that this center tap is
sometimes switched in and out.)
If one end of the primary and the center-tapped terminal of the
secondary are connected to the tank (which is solidly earth-grounded
in normal operation), check across H2 to tank and X3 to tank. In both
tests, the red SHORT light should blink.
If any of the preceding tests encounter a problem, the red OPEN light
blinks to indicate the test failed.