Step 7:
Secure head to feed line at this
time. Be sure the 3/8” x 3/8” flare
fitting is tight where it connects at the
base of the heater head as well as at
the hose swivel fitting. No sealant is
required at these fittings. Do not
over-tighten. Brass to brass is an
connection: Do not secure
head to post at this time
. (See
Figure #7)
At this point we need to test for any possible gas leaks in the regulator assembly, quick couplers,
and head to feed line connection. This procedure has already been done at the factory but we want
to insure maximum safety so we will conduct a gas leak test just in case. To achieve the leak testing
we must attach the twelve-foot hose and couplers to the gas supply. If you are not comfortable
either hooking up the valve at the gas supply line or leak testing the unit you should contact a
licensed plumber, gas technician, gas fitter, or public utility.
Step 8:
Since there are a variety of
possible gas supply configurations our
directions can only be general in nature.
1) First, shut off the flow of gas to the
2) This can be accomplished at the stub
if you
have a shut off on your stub. If not,
will need to shut off the gas at its
to your stub.
3) Attach the combination coupler/shut
valve that we have provided with your
onto your ½” gas line. Your line may
larger than ½” so it must be reduced to
½” in
order to attach the shut-off valve provided. This is a very safe, code approved, and
convenient systems so please do not try to modify it in any way.
Step 6:
Insert shorter feed line hose
in through rectangular access hole at
the bottom of the post and feed it out
the top of the post. Make sure
end of hose and regulator feed line
assembly is visible through rectangular
access slot at bottom of post. This
assembly has been pre-assembled for
you and leak tested. Just to be safe,
we will ask you to leak test and double
check all fittings before using your new
heater. (See Figure #6)
Figure # 8
Figure # 7
Figure # 6