select the fazapenas the flow device.
2.When the program ends and door lock
oindicador goes out, you can open the door.
3.Press On / Off durantealguns seconds to
deactivate the
10:13 Option AUTO-OFF
The option to standby AUTO-OFFdesactiva
automatically aparelhopara reduce consumption of
energia.Todos indicators and sãoapagados display
• The device is not used for 5minutes before
touching Start / Pause.Press The button On / Off to
again the unit.
• 5 minutes after the end of the program button
delavagem.Prima On / Off to activarnovamente
aparelho.O the display shows the end of the last
seleccionado.Toque program button Programs
sepretender select a new cycle.
11.1 Load the laundry
• Sort the laundry in: white, colored, synthetics,
delicates and wool.
• Follow the instructions of lavagemindicadas in
care labels stick with clothing.
• Do not wash white and colored parts emconjunto.
• Some colored items can ficardesbotadas the
first lavagem.Recomendamos that wash
emseparado the first few times.
• Button up pillowcases and close the run
fechosde, hooks and springs. Ateos belts.
• Empty pockets and unfold aspeças.
• Turn inside out all tissues quetenham
multilayered Hers parts and parts with stampings.
• Remove stubborn stains.
• Wash stubborn stains with special
• Be careful with the curtains. Retireos hooks or put
the cortinasnum washing bag or
• Do not wash clothes that do not tenhabainhas
or has cuts directly on the device. Use umsaco
wash when washing parts
small and / or delicate (soutienscom frames,
belts, tights, etc.).
• A very small load balancing problems in
centrifuging phase. If this occurs, manually
arrange the pieces and start nacuba
decentrifugação stage again.
11.2 Stubborn stains
For some stains, not just usarágua and
detergente.Recomendamos to remove estasnódoas
before putting the pieces noaparelho.Existem special
stain removers. Use special umtira-stain that applies
aotipo of stain and fabric.
11.3 Detergents and additives
• Use only detergents and aditivosespecialmente
designed paramáquinas washing:
powder -detergentes ostipos for all fabrics,
powder -detergentes to tecidosdelicados
(max. 40 ° C) and wool,
-detergentes liquids, depreferência
programs for hand-washing at low
temperature (max. 60 ° C) for all types
programasespeciais tissues or only
to wool.
• Do not mix different types dedetergentes.
• To protect the environment, Do not speak more
than quantidadenecessária detergent.